@TacticaI OH YES IT IS, the same life that got Obama elected with falsified ballot counts and that spits out M-rated games like imps from the deepest Hell...Now would be a good time to wake up and reclaim the world for sanity and decency...
@mystic_knight @Scarab83 ...'Awesome'...???? And you're talking about the Arcade Fighter genre...???? No. Sorry, this genre falls short on so many levels, and yes, this particular fighter is quite apropos for so many reasons...
Umm, if it is 'unlikely,' then you guys have NO IDEA what this show is about and much less how it's fanbase...Which I will grant you is quite sickening. But no, a fighter in this theme is VERY appropriate, if only as a point of mocking said unlikely and weird fanbase...
I don't mean to be critical...Okay, I don't mean to be TOO critical...but I don't know anyone besides maybe vegetables or complete lunatics that would want to play such a game...
...And with all this we see that CAPITALISM HAS NOT FAILED, AND WILL NEVER FAIL as long as people are FREE to be innovative, and that it DOESN'T--I repeat for the blockhead 'intellectuals' that don't see beyond the minds of their professors and Socialist mentors--DOESN'T PRODUCE MONOPOLIES, as Microsoft and now Sony are wailing about as with their latest draconian grabs for control smart people simply use their freedom to buy less expensive options and leave the greedy fools cold with a shrinking, not growing wallet.
KILL THAT EVIL APPLICATION!! Oh good grief, don't do this to your fans! I won't have any other console options but Nintendo and I still have an-above juvenile gaming preference (I DIDN'T SAY MATURE!!!)!
I wish this mentality would apply to the industry such that weak games that make me want to cry and insult my NES background of spitefully-hard games get boot camp and their developers get rehab.
tgwolf's comments