Well, I will tell you that for one thing, make the game other than Mature and include something more auspicious than JUST ZOMBIES (!!!!) and I would consider it...Oh wait, imagination died ten years ago as far as games, and Arma will be tossed into Inferno before it ever breaks out of it's M-rated Hades...YET ANOTHER SHAME, another game I can't play...*goes back into hibernation after setting timer for next turning point for humanity...*
I hope this reaches the right ears, as usual...I hope developers and filmmakers alike understand that I look at the plot to the latest Star Trek movies and their inventive technologies and even some of their theories, then turn away in disgust SIMPLY because it is Star Trek...What's the problem here, can anyone tell me? That's right, Star Trek is too saturated with it's little failed social biases to anything but make me sick...Does ANYONE else consider this a tragedy, because I SURE do, and it's when it comes to video game form that this becomes MOST APPARENT...
Well of course it's not enough just to have a platformer, they 'have' to amp up the gore to give an M-rating so as not to lose all the potential players when their ADHD from chemicals, including but not limited to trademark scores of energy drinks, and exacerbated BY ALL THE OTHER brain-damaging and delusion-inducing M-games makes them throw their controller at the screen, spit profanity and go back to Call of Duty or worse. Meanwhile sane people like me see another ridiculously-filthy game that isn't worth playing and stand while being passed by throngs of THE OTHER type of gamer shambling toward their next fix, eyes glazed and empty.
AWESOME! Great, now I have an option for games since I don't to see the same sort of content as those raunchy prime time and reality shows soiling my games! It just might be a merry Christmas after all...
...Well to answer, the cost would be 'MUCH more than necessary' what with the cost of paying all those idiot kids in all their wholly-unnecessary partying sequences...obviously they were concerned that merely blood and violence wouldn't be enough to keep their in-the-dumps M-rating-only standard...
@moc5 By 'hardcore' you must mean hardcore addicted to M-garbage and probably a lot of other media that has a lot more of a stigma than what M-games actually merit...
...Okay, well too bad they're not saying that it is open-source, 'cause, for what it's worth, and that's not much AT ALL, both Steam and Linux by design are ALREADY open to all!
tgwolf's comments