I really hate it when perfectly meaningful terms like 'free to play' get evilly morphed into something else so that you end up hating what's right out of ignorance and acclaiming things that are despicable because 'good' isn't 'good' anymore and so on...
I had something really derogatory to say about this but I reconsidered because this might be my only solution for a squad action game where Mass Effect bombed and left such an ugly and irradiated crater...Keep it T and you won't get a C for 'clone.'
OW, my eyes! I'm still trying to figure out whether those words in the background are English written backward in meaningless gibberish or just Russian! No, I am NOT joking.
You know what, package it up, put a bow on it and my name on a tag and I will pretend to be surprised when I open it and love it forever, so long as it is still not M-rated! This game is a classic and it deserves my respect and admiration...this game is a stealth fighter cruising so far over the heads of today's games that they deserve whatever explosive is coming to them and better say thank you when it hits.
OH MY BAD...How rude of me to belittle that guy, I didn't realize his arm had been removed and surgically replaced by a tattoo. It's that or that tattoo is doing a VERY CONVINCING impersonation of a marine!!
I don't know how anyone can play a game with that many tattoos glaring at you while you play, THAT GUY IS 99% TATTOO! Couldn't they hire any humans to model??
The headache and strange aversion to any sound other than the music in Journey after watching it played reinforces my insisting that the game should have been so much more than a mere platformer with primitive-but-stylish graphics and a haunting musical score to carry it out of mediocrity. It was clear after watching that this game NEEDED and really badly suffered from a lack of interactivity, since the only part of my brain working here was really my auditory and perhaps a bit of visual and memory. More parts should have been firing here, and to give examples there was definitely a missing element of suspense and perhaps urgency to get the adrenaline up just enough to wake players up from the hypnotic presentation. No, this game could have been more, and I feel cheated by what we have been left with.
The headache and strange aversion to any sound other than the music in Journey after watching it played reinforces my insisting that the game should have been so much more than a mere platformer with primitive-but-stylish graphics and a haunting musical score to carry it out of mediocrity. It was clear after watching that this game NEEDED and really badly suffered from a lack of interactivity, since the only part of my brain working here was really my auditory and perhaps a bit of visual and memory. More parts should have been firing here, and to give examples there was definitely a missing element of suspense and perhaps urgency to get the adrenaline up just enough to wake players up from the hypnotic presentation. No, this game could have been more, and I feel cheated by what we have been left with.
The headache and strange aversion to any sound other than the music in Journey after watching it played reinforces my insisting that the game should have been so much more than a mere platformer with primitive-but-stylish graphics and a haunting musical score to carry it out of mediocrity. It was clear after watching that this game NEEDED and really badly suffered from a lack of interactivity, since the only part of my brain working here was really my auditory and perhaps a bit of visual and memory. More parts should have been firing here, and to give examples there was definitely a missing element of suspense and perhaps urgency to get the adrenaline up just enough to wake players up from the hypnotic presentation. No, this game could have been more, and I feel cheated by what we have been left with.
tgwolf's comments