Only one feature is wanted or needed, particularly among hardware with features such as touch screen and all that, the rest get sort of annoying: if the hardware allows for Wi Fi co-op...IT BETTER HAVE WI FI CO-OP IN THE GAME! Why would I get so animated on this point? Hmmm, let's see...How long has the DS been in existence? PSP? And how many worthwhile games HAD THERE BEEN that actually used those for something other than nominal and aggravatingly-limited purposes...? Okay, my work is done here.
I was going to say that I would rather see LESS of Skyrim influencing Dragon Age, but they are both in the M so it's probably neither here nor there and I don't know which one I despise more for the botched content. I would have loved to and WOULD HAVE played both gladly had they not been rated what they were and been tainted with their exhaustive list of content no-nos. All joking aside, what in the world? Thanks for ruining another bunch of games I would have played but won't because I have a moral backbone and just won't accept garbage into my life least of all in the way of entertainment...I wish people would actually evolve and society would improve and not just make up shallow milestones as a pathetic and trivial excuse for ruining everything else important for themselves and, in this case, we the consumer and enthusiast.
I can only assume that the value was returned and justified in the software and that this somehow made good sense, because the extra onboard memory certainly isn't necessary unless the new games promise to eat up GB of hard drive space...But that just simply wouldn't make sense, not when the basic pack only sported 8 GB.
Pretending for a moment that the game wasn't already worthless due to content rating, I really don't think this game has any more promise than, say, Monster Hunter, and probably sounds about as original and exciting as that lackluster other. I would have to see some MAJOR innovation and an astonishing manipulation of plot strings to ever make me think this was nothing but a contrived mutilation of the zombie and space-survival-horror genres...Which I sincerely doubt.
I will never understand nerfing worlds based around mech warfare. I need only refer to classic mech anime to prove that lush futuristic universes can and most likely would surround such a glorious advancement. It would take an impossible series of cataclysms and major catastrophes coupled with the most diabolical despotism in human organizations (Liberal and Socialist bureaucracy comes readily to mind for some reason...) to turn what promises and should by rights be an ultra tech paradise barring epic warfare to turn humanity into a rag-tag handful of scrappy and petty tribes. Let's grow up a bit, I don't know why people put garbage bags over their heads when they make games.
@phrozac ...I would agree with the Robotech part...though if that were anywhere in the mix there would be NO NEED for any other elements. Robotech is one of the paragon examples of mech implementation. If there is another, non-anime-based mech iteration, I have yet to see one that truly does justice to mech warfare, technology or even any competent worlds and backgrounds that would reflect it. By all means bring on the Robotech!
tgwolf's comments