I would think that they would want to DISsociate themselves from products like Apple, especially when they are just debuting and hoping to build a solid fan base...But then I'm a straight-shooter and free-thinker.
Well it's not hard to see that making diabolically-addictive games generates revenue, what our concern should be is how to get them out of our lives and I guess sending an unambiguous message that we aren't idiots and don't want to have a game ruin our life or violently seize control of our minds.
Oh, don't fret. It's probably more restrictions and deprecation of features that end up costing consumers more and getting less for their money, and we should expect it to be under the auspices of 'improved security' or something equally misleading.
Violent video games are like violence in that they are mind warping to play and they are in fact interactive. BUT THIS MEDIA HYPE and outcry against violent games in connection with violence is LUDICROUS! I am so tired of mobocracy and these idiot crusades which segway into infringement on rights. Leave us alone, you psychos!
This looks good, only part of the reason being that it CAN'T POSSIBLY rate M or T if it tried! The original games were fun, though I would like to have seen freeplay.
So they can spam out M-sludge, that doesn't mean anything. Of course a group like that one can get excited and animated about an assassin sim, I mean it's in their nearly-waking conscious mind as are a lot of immoral activities, the REAL proof of their ability is in making good games that stay under M! So far they have only prove themselves to losers.
tgwolf's comments