@stoaker: It is not so much the issue of it being a scam as CR having a long track record of needing to be reeled in to deliver and being involved in movies of late not games.
He doesn't appear to have anyone to reel him in this time and has surrounded himself with sycophants and relatives. That is not healthy.
There are many basic errors being made in many different disciplines (PR, Law, Engineering, Design, HR etc etc) which professionals see coming a mile off too. CR should have a better handle on these.
@disturbedjim83: how about meeting the original goals before the stretch goals.... and there is the issue of degree. How much MOCAP was needed how many A list movie stars etc ...
There are many engineering, CS, IT and business people in community that have massive amounts of expertise in project management, software development etc.
It is also logical fallacy to say you need that experience to make a valid critisism of CR. It would depend what you were critising.
IME there will be plenty of "ganking" opportunities in any MMO - SC will not be any different - probably. At the moment the most likely reason there wont be is the game not making it to a PU with more than a few people per instance and too much AI.
@disturbedjim83:It is a simplistic argument to say a piece of software will not ship as pitched.
The issue is by how much it "slips" and whether or not it meets the needs of customers. The vast majority of people critising CR are not complaining about slippage they are complaining about a lack of proper project management and major changes to the deliverables.
This is valid critisism and concern not "hate"
The fact that you can imagine there are reasons for some people to see SC crash and burn are not valid mechanisms to dismiss concerns such as "the money has been spent on expensive MOCAP to fuel CRs movie making ambitions
@maxz26: Clearly you seem to think that anything CR says is true and thousands of years of human experience are wrong = money can and does "run out" all the time. A far more interesting argument from scree here would have been that there will be enough new fans sucked into the hype to keep Cr funded to the next 3-5 years and they will be able to ride repeated waves of complaints from previous backers tired of the exaggerations and excuses.
Just look at the new advert for Warner Cable - CR has had to have had some benefit from this and you can argue they should have been doing this sooner (if Sandi was the marketing genius) or that it is another sign that the money may be running out and Cr is looking at additional revenue streams etc.
You are a gulable fool if you think this whole enterprise cant fail for many reasons and you take your lead from CR who has a vested interest in spoon feeding you simplistic arguments like a less effective Donald Trump.
@disturbedjim83: This is full of logical fallacies.
You need to take each of DS's assertions and address the validity of them.
And are you saying Ben Lesnick is slim ?
He puts himself out there like a celebrity and we all know how full the media is of issues relating to what celebrities look like, wear, do etc.. who is blame if he draws the inevitable attention ? It isn't helping a particular argument about SC but even if someone had called Lesnick something it is largely irrelevant in the context you bring it up. I can't imagine Ben doesn't know he is a portly chap either.
In many interviews (incl the recent BBC one) CR acts as though he has an open ended mandate to keep adding ships and other features to SC whilst he can raise more funds. He develops more jpegs of ships (with inherent new gameplay - eg a science ship) that create more funding which becomes the excuse for the open ended mandate.
It is a circular process that works as long as he can pull in new backers and keep enough people distracted from whats being delivered and when.
As for wanting it to be a scam, that's easy - some people enjoy watching things fail - in fact I would go so far as to say we all do - it is part of human nature.
However, there are also others trying to get the deluded fans to stop accepting things from CR that are unprofessional and IN THEIR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE indicative of a project that will fail.
@so_hai: The reality is you adjust your project plan and communicate that.
You lose credibility when you keep doing it and start telling the people you deny the blantant obviously expressed contents of previous versions of YOUR plan in order to get rid of whole modules (eg Star Marine).
When other revelations appear that undermine your integrity and honesty (Sandi being his wife (her made up qualifications, obvious lack of professionalism dealing with simple business issues), his reply to Escapist magazine, reports of senior staff leaving the project, recruitment issues etc), sensible people start paying more attention because you are looking like an incompetent diva and a fraud, not a controlled professional.
Either way, you may not want to give them your money.
TGxBaldness' comments