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th3princ3 Blog

November 17th 2006

I can't wait for the PS3 looks like an awesome system and I can play my favorite game series on it.

I have a question for all you "future PS3 owners" out there reading my blog.When are you getting a PS3?At launch,near future,or waiting for a price drop?

P.S MGS4 and KH 3 will be awesome!

Im mad...

PLAY! is coming to Detroit and I can't go.Damn,the only tickets left are $70.00.I can't afford that.I send them an email but I doubt they can do anything regarding that rediculouly high price.

A quote everyone should read.

"The Console War is a marketing campaign,and it want to enlist you as an unpaid employee.Don't be a Sucker."-killvane

This guy is totally right.Why waste time fighting over which system is better when a)your not getting paid for it,b)the company is making money of YOU and c)it makes you look foolish.All-in-all,system wars and any variation of it is pointless and make you look like a fanboy.

Spider Man 3 Trailer

Wow.This movie looks amazing!Can't wait for this movie!!!!!The trailer can be found here.Be sure to check out IGN's breakdown of the trailer.That link can be found here.

Saving 4 a PS3-Update

I get allowance(Damn I need a job) and I will have enough money for a PS3($600) and two games buy March 1 2007.I missed the laucnh but I will have it in Q1 2007.Yay for me.

Last day of school!!!

As of today my summer break has begun.Now I get to enjoy 3 months of work,games,and chillin' with my freinds.It's gonna be a great summer.

Saving for a PS3

All of you Sony fanboys have done it!I want a PS3 bad as hell now.I got a summer job and I will be working my a$$ off trying to save for this thing!

My thoughts on E3...VOL.1 Nintendo

Sorry is this is long but I have tons to say.Well you have been warned....

First off the most "innovative" company at E3,Nintendo.Nintendo had a good press conference.They showed off some of there most anticipated games.The one that stuck in my mind is Zelda.I'm a huge Zelda fan and Link never looked better.The show floor they had a ton of games that were playable.They also showed off the hit system the Nintendo DS Lite.The system is selling like crazy in Japan and  it looks like it will sell like crazy in the states.But the bad thing was that they don't have enough people behind the system.I've heard podcast that game companies put out they say that the graphics are like Gamecube 1.5.Graphics don't matter to some but I heard that the controller is a little hard to use and it takes time to get use to.As of right now its a bright future for Nintendo.The system has an innovative controller,a huge back catalouge of games,and a cheap price point.But there is a few problmes that need to be discussed.First how will Nintendo have the Wii in the stores for people to play.Some fans wont to play the system before a purchase and if its not on display then it could harm there sales.I beleive Nintendo wil have a great looking kiosk that will keep the system and controller safe but allows poeple to have fun with the Wii.Check out the Wii and it lauches Q4 2006!

The Game Informer Union

I created a new union that talks about the number 1 videogame magizine Game Informer.The link is here.Were hosting an image contest and the winner gets promoted to a MOD.

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