Sorry this blog is a little late(most of you won't notice). Been a crazy week at work. Found out on monday I need to get all my new rank on by thursday(yikes). Had a new girl come in, so I had to take her around to inprocess the base. By friday I kinda looked like this:
Without the looking like a girl part. Anyhow, here are 10 things I've been thinking about all week.
10)COD MW2 Multiplayer is so freaking fun/amazing. It took sometime getting back into the swing of things, and I'm still not a high level(10). But so good. I forgot how many hours I wasted on the last game. It really helps playing with people you know as well, especially ones that use mics. If you have a ps3, look me up, I'd love to group :)
9)Finally finished AC2, and it is a million times more improved than the first one. I truly enjoyed the story more, and the gameplay was slightly better. Altairs armor was sick(i just wish I could change the color) and the last battle was outrageous. If you haven't picked this title it.
8 )I'm really exctied heavy rain has an release date. I can't wait to go preorder(c'mon payday). The only thing that worries me is, this seems like a game that only a few of the community will truly embrace(hello psychonauts). It'll get great reviews of its innovative thoughts, but will sell hella poor. I hope it doesn't get that, it deserves so much better.
7)Speaking of release dates, a dragon age origions EXPANSION has been announced WOOOOOO!!!! I'm so excited. As much as I love mass effect(and i do) and I'm excited about the second one(and I am), I love fantasy games even more. And it sounds like they are tying in the books Gaither wrote(mainly The Calling). After I read that book I was so ready to kick ass, but I didn't. NOW I WILL!. If you wanna see the video check this link:
6) Darksiders may be the most underrated game this year. I have not personally played it yet, but here's a game with a lame concept "be the horseman of the apocolypse and figure out why it came early". But the early reviews have it in the 7-8 range. I was impressed. Maybe there is more to this game than I realized.
5) A game that started high on my want-o-meter last year has now faded into limbo. That game is bioshock 2. Don't get me wrong, I still wanna see how it progresses, but it certainly isn't a day one release for me anymore. Constant delays and what I think might be a tacked on multiplayer, will probably have me renting this one.
4)I think Square is smart to consider dropping the Final Fantasy title. Maybe they just make rereleases of it now. But lets be honest with ourselves, Final Fantasy hasn't been much of a final fantasy title since 9 (10 if you liked it). 11 was online, 12 tried a whole new battle system, 13 is trying a whole new battle system, and 14 is online. Perhaps its time for them to focus on other IPs. That being said...
3)Am I the only one who things Nier sounds awesome! I think this is the first time I've been excited about a square game since I heard Front Mission was gonna be made into a 3rd person shooter ala gears of war. I really hope square doesn't f either of those games up.
2) Speaking of 2's, Mass Effect 2 comes out in 16 days(16 divided by 8 is 2 OOOOO). And I'm a little bummed out. I wanted the collectors edition, and I waited, and waitied, and waited. And now is not on gamestop anymore. I hope the ones in town are still offering it, because I want the free DLC as well. Hmm, decisions decisions.
and the number one thing that mattered to me this week
1)Is a very interesting blog from a staff member on IGN. It explains why he now prefers the ps3 over the 360. Starting out as an avid fan boy of the 360, he has moved onto to better things ;-). Honestly, I am no fanboy, I love the PS3, and if I felt like owning two consoles would benefit me, I would, but it doesn't. I hope you guys enjoy this read as much as I did.
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