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Ten Things I Think About Gaming This Week

Sorry this blog is a little late(most of you won't notice). Been a crazy week at work. Found out on monday I need to get all my new rank on by thursday(yikes). Had a new girl come in, so I had to take her around to inprocess the base. By friday I kinda looked like this:

Without the looking like a girl part. Anyhow, here are 10 things I've been thinking about all week.

10)COD MW2 Multiplayer is so freaking fun/amazing. It took sometime getting back into the swing of things, and I'm still not a high level(10). But so good. I forgot how many hours I wasted on the last game. It really helps playing with people you know as well, especially ones that use mics. If you have a ps3, look me up, I'd love to group :)

9)Finally finished AC2, and it is a million times more improved than the first one. I truly enjoyed the story more, and the gameplay was slightly better. Altairs armor was sick(i just wish I could change the color) and the last battle was outrageous. If you haven't picked this title it.

8 )I'm really exctied heavy rain has an release date. I can't wait to go preorder(c'mon payday). The only thing that worries me is, this seems like a game that only a few of the community will truly embrace(hello psychonauts). It'll get great reviews of its innovative thoughts, but will sell hella poor. I hope it doesn't get that, it deserves so much better.

7)Speaking of release dates, a dragon age origions EXPANSION has been announced WOOOOOO!!!! I'm so excited. As much as I love mass effect(and i do) and I'm excited about the second one(and I am), I love fantasy games even more. And it sounds like they are tying in the books Gaither wrote(mainly The Calling). After I read that book I was so ready to kick ass, but I didn't. NOW I WILL!. If you wanna see the video check this link:

6) Darksiders may be the most underrated game this year. I have not personally played it yet, but here's a game with a lame concept "be the horseman of the apocolypse and figure out why it came early". But the early reviews have it in the 7-8 range. I was impressed. Maybe there is more to this game than I realized.

5) A game that started high on my want-o-meter last year has now faded into limbo. That game is bioshock 2. Don't get me wrong, I still wanna see how it progresses, but it certainly isn't a day one release for me anymore. Constant delays and what I think might be a tacked on multiplayer, will probably have me renting this one.

4)I think Square is smart to consider dropping the Final Fantasy title. Maybe they just make rereleases of it now. But lets be honest with ourselves, Final Fantasy hasn't been much of a final fantasy title since 9 (10 if you liked it). 11 was online, 12 tried a whole new battle system, 13 is trying a whole new battle system, and 14 is online. Perhaps its time for them to focus on other IPs. That being said...

3)Am I the only one who things Nier sounds awesome! I think this is the first time I've been excited about a square game since I heard Front Mission was gonna be made into a 3rd person shooter ala gears of war. I really hope square doesn't f either of those games up.

2) Speaking of 2's, Mass Effect 2 comes out in 16 days(16 divided by 8 is 2 OOOOO). And I'm a little bummed out. I wanted the collectors edition, and I waited, and waitied, and waited. And now is not on gamestop anymore. I hope the ones in town are still offering it, because I want the free DLC as well. Hmm, decisions decisions.

and the number one thing that mattered to me this week

1)Is a very interesting blog from a staff member on IGN. It explains why he now prefers the ps3 over the 360. Starting out as an avid fan boy of the 360, he has moved onto to better things ;-). Honestly, I am no fanboy, I love the PS3, and if I felt like owning two consoles would benefit me, I would, but it doesn't. I hope you guys enjoy this read as much as I did.

Top 5 Games I played this year (in a very non surprising order)

Before I start my count down, I wanna say happy holidays and happy new year to everyone. I hope everyone's year was good. I got some great news about ten days ago, I'm getting my early promotion in april(otherwise promotion would be in october). Go me!

Also, I'd like to thank Hazelnutman for my awesome profile banner and blog banner. Thanks so much man, you are amazing!

Finally, I will be starting my blog format tomorrow! Every friday I will do my best to post a blog either based on a game I am playing, a game I am excited for, or an article I read about a game some where. I hope you all enjoy and I look forward to reading your own blogs/comments.

Top 5 Games I Played This Year

5) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Probably most people's most anticpated game this year, COD:MW2 did not fail to deliver. So why so low on my list? TERRIBLE single player story. Was the game terrible? Far from it. The music selection was much better(no crappy rap songs written by no bodies), the battles actually made me feel like I was at war, it made me fear for my life(video game life). But the story made absolutely no sense. They did give you a chance to care about the characters you controled(except Soap who was in the first game). But everyone knows this game isn't about single player, its all about the multiplayer, and boy does it deliver. Even better than the last games mulitplayer, you still have level progressions. But you get a few needed additions. Deathstreaks(obtained by sucking and getting killed a lot w/o a kill yourself) and the awesome killstreaks!! Watch out for the tactical nuke. I'll be playing this game a lot in the near future.

4) Killzone 2

Two shooters in a row, and both amazing. The much anticpated PS3 title silenced all critics when it released. After the abysmal(according to reviews, no personal experience with it) first game, lots of hate was slung at this one by xbox fans. However, after the VERY VERY VERY long wait, it was finally released. When I said COD nailed the war feel, KZ was a million times its better. As I played through the levels of this game, I couldn't help but be nervous at every turn. Every flank by the enemy, every time they popped outta cover to rush me, it was intense. I regretfully did not play too much of the multiplayer, but what I did play I deeply enjoyed. Not to mention this game is a graphical beast. There is only one game I can think of with better graphics than KZ2...

3) InFamous

From the time this game out, until perhaps, a month ago, I honestly did not think a game could win my heart for game of the year. This was the BEST sandbox game I ever played. The story was brillaintly written, the progression was awesome. I loved how the people reacted to me when I was good/evil. Was it the perfect game? Far from it, there were some pop in problems. And playing the game on hard didn't exactly feel challenging. But as stated in a previous blog, this is the only game I can think of I beat, and played again right after beating it. I needed to know what else happened. I was desperate to try the other powers. And I truly felt like a hero as I played this game, and I loved that.

2) Dragon Age Origins (PC)

I put PC in paranthesis because this is the only game I played on PC outta the 5. But I think I need to put stock into Bioware, they have yet to release a game I didn't love. NWN, KOTOR, Jade Empire, Mass Effect, and now DAO. The story is typical bioware, but what really makes it unique is the origins. They are all very different, and they will play a role in what happens later in the game(not a huge role). The fighting was vicious, the monsters were scary, the battles were tactical. Many times I tried to revert to my natural "Overwhelm them with sheer power" and got f-ed up. The only true downside to this game(besides the fact it had to end) was the standard tank/healer/dd format you almost had to follow to be successful. Could you manage to beat the game without a healer? Probably, but you'd be using more potions then I think you'd ever want to bother creating. As much as I am excited about ME2, I really hope bioware gives this game a sequel and don't jip it like they did jade empire.

1)Uncharted 2

I say this to everyone, and I honestly don't think they believe me, but this may be the best game I EVER played. Yep, I think it has moved into my top 5 of all time(Final Fantasy Tactics look out you may be number two after my second playthrough of this). I came into the Uncharted game late, I bought the first game earlier this year, hoping for a price drop, thinking one would never come(came right after my purchase big surprise). I loved the first game, even with the few flaws it had(gunplay was weak). However, this game made up for all the mistakes, and then some. The graphics were easily the best I've ever seen(sorry KZ2). And the story was deep and engaging. Was it the most original story? Probably not, but damn was it good. It kept me guessing the whole way through. I honestly think this may be my perfect game. The only let down I felt was mulitplayer, it could be because I was TERRIBLE at it, but since it won best multiplayer on IGN, I'll give it another shot. I could probably go on about this game all day, and probably mention how I secretly wish I was nathan drake. Damn this game was good.

That was my top 5. I hope you all enjoyed. What was your game of the year? What are you most excited about next year?

Real Blogging

So beginning in 2010, I plan to start a real blog format. With all the things I think I think about the game industry and gaming in general. I'll post dumb probably pointless crap that I hope everyone reads. AND I promise to be more active on this site. Uncharted 2 and Dragon Age hit me back to back with life sucking away hours. God i love those games

3 Games I've grown to Loathe


I don't know what it is, but I can not get into this game. CAN NOT! I had it for a year plus, and I'm only at 50%. It bored me so fast it was hard to even notice. I LOVED GTA 3 and I LOVED Vice City, so why is it I hated San Andreas and just am plain bored with GTA 4? I have no idea. But this game is 2 steps away from getting traded in to gamestop for a crappy 10 bucks. I really wish I could enjoy it the way everyone else does, but alas, that will never happen

2) Valkryia Chronicles

Another game I just could not get into. And I feel I'll get a lot of hate after this, but its true. At first I loved the idea, I blazed through the game, and then BAM! Ya get stuck at one part, and it completely and utterly turns you off from the game. I wanted to like this so much, I wanted to see how the story would develop, but...that'll never happen now. How sad. I traded it in for a cool 17 bucks. And I'm sorry to the fans this offends.

3) Resistance 2 - Multiplayer

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this game...single player. I HATED the multiplayer. And its not the cool team co-op that I hate, its the deathmatch multiplayer. I wanted to like it, but, alas, its no good. I'd play killzone 2 and COD4 multiplayer over it any day of the week. It was weak, the guns seemed less powerful, and there was far too much unlocking for me to enjoy any bit of it. Hopefully if/when Resistance 3 comes out, they tweak it.

I think that does it for my lists, look for more interesting blogs in the near future

3 Games I've Fallen Completely in Love with

So for my first few blogs back to the world of gamespot, I've decieded to go with Games I love, Games I began to hate, and future games on my radar. Starting of course with the title(see above).

1) Infamous

This game, THIS GAME! When I first got it, I expected it to be good, but I didn't expect it to be THIS good. I'm not gonna bother going into story details or gameplay details, because if you don't know about this game, well, you make me sad. As a PS3 exclusive, Sucker Punch and Sony delivered. This is probably the only game I can think of in recent memory that I beat and immeadiatly started playing again the next day. Being both good and evil had their advantages. Personally I prefered being good, evil was fun though. This will also probably be the first game I get a platinum in(I actually need 2 trophies before I get it I believe). If you haven't played this yet, do yourself a favor...AND PLAY IT. Also F*** PROTOTYPE!

2) Fallout 3

Ah yes, Fallout 3 is my number 2. A year ago I beat it the first time, and I loved it. Now, with trophies and DLC(finally!) I decieded "Hey I wanna play that again!" and I STILL love it. The game offers you so much choice, you wanna be stealthy? Check! You wanna melee? Check! Assault rifles? Check! Missle Launchers? Check! The list goes on forever. One of the most enjoyable(and frustrating for some people) aspects is the fact its non linear. Don't wanna do the main mission right away..don't. Wanna pick up every single side quest then do them, sure. Hell, now with the DLC, you can get outta the vault, do ALL (except one) of the DLC before you even start any of the main missions. Now thats variety of choices. What makes this game double great to me, is my wife enjoys watching me play it. And that my friends makes it a winner.

3) The Beatles: Rock Band

I don't know if you guys heard of these four kids from Liverpool, England; John, Paul, George, Ringo - The Beatles. Yea, I know they are some new band. Seriously though, I love The Beatles, and this was a breath of fresh air. The game plays more like the old guitar heros in the sense that there is no world tour. Its also easier than most rock band songs(mostly because they weren't the jaw dropping musicians most think they were). But I don't care. This is actually the only game I'll sing in, and not feel embarassed. Actually, I do pretty well even on hard(not at expert yet). And to further show The Beatles dominance, I have a friend who is big into r&b/rap, and well, even he loves The Beatles now. They are truly a timeless band, that people of all ages can enjoy. I'm trying to convince my wife to buy me the anthology for christmas. If you are a fan of these guys, do yourself a favor, get this game. And in case you are all wondering, my favorite Beatle is Paul(its a bassist thing)

It really has been too long

I ain't dead quote someone famous. I have not posted a blog or even been browsing gamespot in a REAL long time. Lots gone on, it started with work just being all out hectic, then it transpired into lazyness. I hope all you guys are doing well, and expect me to try to be more active in the not to distance future.

Your friend,

~Thanos :)

Square and Bethseda...FINALLY doing things right

Warning: old news incoming

Finally Bethseda decided to give the PS3 what we've b*tched and moaned about for months. Coming this month(I hope soon), they will release the first of the 3 expansions for Fallout 3 that are already out on Xbox 360/PC. This excites me to NO end. For those of you who do not know, Fallout 3 is my FAVORITE game of this gen(Infamous/Mass Effect a close second). I loved the game so much, I beat it, knowing trophies were do out in 4 days. I've even started over and I'm finally collecting the trophies. I don't know what it is that makes me love it so much. A lot of people think its just Oblivion with guns, but I honestly do not feel that way at all. I'm not the biggest Oblivion fan, its good, enjoyable, but it doesn't hook me. Something in Fallout hooked me. I would come home during lunch, play for an hour(not eat) go back to work, get off work and play it again. I put 50 hours into the first time I played it, and I missed about 4 side quests. This time around, I'm taking more time, doing more quests, and discovering more things. Needless to say, I'm super stoked that I'll get Operation Anchorage soon, even if the mircosoft apps are getting ready for 3 more new ones.

The other thing finally done right, and I know a lot of Jrpg fans are happy about this. Final Fantasy 7 has been released on PSN for PS3/PSP. Kodos square! I knew you had it in you. For those who don't know, this has been released on the japanese PSN for some time now, and Americans have been whining and begging for it. Well as of June 2, we got it! I have mentioned to other people in the past that I never got to play it. At the time, I was a graphics whore, and I tried to play this right after completing 8. And everyone knows there is a huge graphical change from 7 to 8. But now, older wiser, I can go back and see the game for all of its glory. But, since my wife already has a file on our ps1 memory card(which is transfered onto the ps3 and she has it because she borrowed 7 from her cousin who took it from her ex bf), I'll probably just watch her play it out.

Hopes of a new classics coming:

Front Mission 3: OMG how I enjoyed this game when it first came out. I remember beating it twice just to see the different endings they had. Man, I loved it.

Final Fantasy Tactics: Since my disk is in limbo somewhere, I NEED this. For those who don't know, this is my FAVORITE game of ALL time. I think it has a lot to know with the story. It kept me hooked so bad, that me and my little cousin beat it over a weekend(thats right, very little sleep and all food brought to us in my room).

Gundam Battle Assualt 2: And this will sound lame, but I really enjoyed the hell outta this game. I don't know why. Perhaps it was finally seeing Char crush that annoying Armaro, or maybe it was the thrill of being Heavy Arms and f*cking everyone's sh*t. But I need this one back, my disk is scratched beyond repair.

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1: The game that got me into skateboarding games and real life skating. Does anyone really oppose one of the best ps1 sports games of all time?(unless I'm wrong, I do not believe this to be on PSN already)

So I wanna know, what do you guys want on PSN classics that you think its seriously lacking?

I dub this weekend "Antonio vs The Machines" :)

I had a good weekend, and I hope the rest of you did too. I'm calling this weekend, "Antonio(thats me) vs The Machines"

To kick off the weekend the wife and I went and saw Terminator Salvation. Good movie, not great movie. Star Trek is still the best of the summer imo. Terminator is worth a look for those who are fans, but probably a rent for those who aren't super into it. The acting was meh, but the most interesting character of all was Sam Worthington playing Marcus Wright.

[spoiler] If you've seen the trailer, where Christian Bale asks Sam Worthington if he thinks he's human, and it reveals he's a robot, it totally ruins the rest of the movie [/spoiler]

If you did not know the above revelation the movie would have felt completely different. But they ruined that by announcing it every preview what was coming. All in all I'd say the move is about a 7.5/10. Good action sequences, decent pacing. But from the spoiler above, it could have been better.

Also this weekend I gamed up a LOT of Mass Effect. So much in fact, I beat it. This game was simply amazing, it is one of my top games/rpgs for sure. The story was amazing and I really cared for the characters who made up my party. When I had to face a tough decision in the end of the game, I was really upset at the outcome. Fighting the Geth(machines you fight in the game)was a nice change from the standard human/alien enemies. I truly enjoyed the pacing of the game, hell I even enjoyed the side quests in the game. Any one who has a pc that can run it or a 360, GET THIS GAME.

In the end, I came up triumphant over the machines. They were no match for my wit, and my human thinking. Long live me baby!

More games than I really need

I got a coupon in email from Gamestop the other day. And FINALLY, it was one I could use. "20% off all Used PS3 games"

Hells to the yea I thought, now just trying to convince my wife to let me use it. It turned out, she was on board with it. She asked me how the bills looked I said all but the computer had been paid, and she said "sure". No "why do you need it", no "not this week". Hell yea!

So I print out the coupon and head to my local gamestop to see what they had in stock. Before I got there I had 2 games in mind I really wanted to get with the coupon. First was Folklore, I hear it is the most underrated game ever, and I've been dying to try it. Next was Eternal Sonata, I gotta admit, the demo didn't wow me, but I need to fill my JRPG needs(sorry VC I need to give you more attention too). After browsing and browsing and browsing, they did not have the 2 I was looking for. I did however come away like a bandit for the 3 games I did get(3 was the limit on the coupon).

Mirror's Edge

I gotta Admit, I was wowed by the demo when I played it months ago. But hearing it was short and gunplay was meh I decided to hold off on it. Used it was 24.99 -20% = 19.99...but wait! I have an edge card too! Another 2.50 off the game. 17.49, thats a steal

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Another game I had my eye on a couple months ago after playing the demo. Rumors of frustrating enemies toward the end and being short also kept me away. Today I figured what the hell! I'll go for it. Used Price was 39.99 - 30%(coupon and edge card) netted me Star Wars for 27.99. Alright that is do able.

And finally

Never read a review on this, but I figured it could tide me over until Madden 10 comes out for my football like needs. Just a note, I am NOT one of those peopel who buys a new madden and ncaa every year just for updated rosters. I'll keep these probably until PS4 comes out...or they make a HUGE change in the gameplay. Used Cost 34.99 - 30% = 24.49. Not bad until Madden comes

So in total I spent 69.97 on games today(no tax in Alaska yay). That is the price of one new game and tax in NY (maybe a pack of gum with it too or something dumb). Don't think it turned out too bad.

Also, if you would like this coupon but you do not recieve emails from gamestop let me know. I can email it to you...the offer is good until 21 May

Finally got Mass Effect to work!

After 3 weeks and 40 dollars later, I finally got Mass Effect working.

Turns out the problem the whole time was on my end. I should have researched better. I had to run the .exe as the admin since vista is a failure at life.

Sadly, it took me buying a hard copy online and whining to a friend for the problem to get solved. So Hunter, if you ever read this blog...thanks so much man. I'd say I love you...but I don't want you to think I'm gay =P

In other news, Air Force plays way too many war games. Can't go into details, but lets just say, I hate it and its a waste of damn time.

In the more important news of video games, Infamous is coming out soon. Can't wait. That is probably my biggest anticipated game this year(sans Killzone 2). I'll let you know how it turns out. Gonna write up some reviews for killzone uncharted and other things i've gotten recently that i've just been to lazy to review.(note: my reviews are nothing spectacular, but hey they are fun).

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