I’ve never played a Spiderman game before so it might be that talking but I personally think this game is a system seller along with UC4, Horizon, God of War and others.
Game is lots of fun. Better than the Arkham games.
I was watching a video of the history of Denuvo and at one point some guy that was cracking it a gamer per day got arrested and an anounment was made saying “he won’t be able to continue the fight”.
Like, what fight?
I don’t get what the point is acting like you’re fighting the good fight. Are they against capitalism? Do they believe all games should be free and hard working devs shouldn’t get rewarded?
Seriously, that statement right there sums up PC gamers and this whole topic.
@kali-b1rd: I like Xbox and PS4...and Switch and PC for arguments sake, but we all know the difference in your average 85 or so scoring game like Second Son...which is fun...but doesn’t come close to Spiderman or HZD.
Doesn’t matter what the scores say since there’s always gonna be those rogue reviewers that give a good game a shitty score.
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