Don't really care much for Nintendo games in general, but BoTW and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are very tempting. Are there any other RPGs on the switch like them?
It's a different experience. I got one for zelda, xenoblade, odyssey, pokemon, Mario kart, fire emblem, smash bros, and donkey kong country. It's especially useful for long plane rides or road trips or just general portable entertainment.
Whether it's worth it or not ultimately depends on your wants and your tastes. Its games and general user experience varies considerably from that of ps4/xbone.
I've always been much more a traditional console guy, playing systems like GameCube for a few games, Xbox, and a little bit of Playstation.
For me personally, games like Smash bros and Donkey Kong would be games I would probably get just to pass time and not take very seriously while playing. I never really was interested in Mario Kart games. They aren't my cup of tea. Usually, if I want to play racing games, I'd play something like Forza because it's more.. "real" feeling is the only way I can describe it. But to each their own.
I've mostly seen Nintendo's consoles since the Wii as mostly gimmicks.
Now, the reason why I am asking if the Switch is worth it is because I've found only two games that really catch my eye. Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. However, I don't really wanna buy the system if I'm only gonna like and play 2 games. Games like Mario Kart and such don't appeal to me. So is it worth it? Are there any other games that might be worth trying? Is it worth it compared to the Xbox One and PS4?
@davillain-: Totally off topic, but what is your profile pic from?
My profile (and sig) is Mirai Nikki (at the time of this reply cause I change my pics/sigs every 2 weeks) from the anime: Future Diary. I just happened to be a fan of Mirai Nikki mainly she's the popular Yandere in the anime realm. Future Diary is pretty good, you should check it out.
I’d go with the Wii. I’ve got a pc for my other needs and the Wii was the most unique gaming experience ever. Had lots of flaws but so many memories were created with friends and family because of that console.
I never cared that much for the Wii but I can understand choosing it for those great memories :).
Imagine that Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo do away with this generation, and bring back the previous. If you could only buy ONE of the consoles from that time, which one would it be?
Very tough choice, but I'd go with the 360. Gears of War, Halo, Forza etc.
I'm an Xbox fan, but I honestly haven't heard anything about this. I'll believe when I see it. If this happens, rip Sony fanboys for always insulting us Xbox fans. I probably wouldn't play but a few games anyway if it does happen. I only really want a few PS4 games like Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Spider-man. The rest don't interest me that much, and seems Sony may be having trouble with games now like MS did. The fact that they are skipping E3 next month kinda shows they don't have much to show.
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