@rodd76dog wow!! that was some comment! $100+tax for the camera? wtf! is only $60 for it. save now, blast you later? you still have the choice to not buy the camera unlike their competition.
@DanteZiza you wanna talk about copying! M$ copy dreamcast contoller style, dual shock shoulder buttons and dual thumd sticks. M$ copy they vertical standing console, disc tray, disc slot, build it wifi, eye toy and amongst other thing. it's rediculous reading comment about one company copying another when they have no idea of how the world works. voice command was on phone long before M$ implemented in their system and it only natural or sensible for their competition to offer a feature like that to attract potential xbox customers.
@Grenadeh @DukeMagnum @shorty10404 Obviously your the one that needs to grow up. that's a very immature, lack of growth intellectually and a arrogant way of telling younger and/or less mature folks, they need to grow up. Yes people care about what games are offered for free or else they wouldn't be complaining about it. Of course ps+ free games can be a deciding factor in ones' choice of which console to buy.
@Grenadeh Hold on a sec buddy. Are you say that sony should give gamers a reason to have PS+ by offering them free games? and they are pathetic for doing so? You my friend is the pathetic one! You are basically saying that no company should give consumer a reason to buy or pay for their services. it's like saying console maker should make a game console without any games to play on it. it like saying comcast should offer faster internet to that at&t and they are pathetic if they do. is like saying sony should put their exclusives on xbox , because the purpose for having an exclusive is pathetic, it like saying,, well you get my point.
@BuyaPC @marlobc Obviously your not old or should i say experienced enough to now that their were always achievement point in many games before M$ did their console achievement point thing. many game had a system of achievements are trophy collection.
the-medz's comments