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theGrynch Blog

Ok, so...

...I lied. I played through the Uncharted games, and WOW! These are definitely a couple of the best games I've ever played, and definitely a tremendous flagship franchise for Sony! Good to see these sorts of franchises are still console specific.

Tried the demo for Dante's Inferno, and oh, my god. HORRIBLE! I won't be paying for this game even when it hits the discount bins. What a blatant and total ripoff of God of War, and unfortunately, it doesn't even do it well. It justs teals from the series, without paying homage. Terrible. Uninspired gameplay with uninspiredvisuals married with uninspired storytelling. The storytelling is atrocious so far, so unless it's completely overhauled by the time the game launches, then this SHOULD BE one of the biggest bombs of the year. It's terrible, and I'll never play it again.

Now, onto waiting for GoWIII

Holy Balls!

Has it seriously been a year since I've last posted? That's crazy!

Busy, busy, busy. Painting, painting, painting. And lately, playing ACII, which was great, but not as good as the first one. At least to me.

Up next: GoWIII. Nothing till then. Not even MW2. ESPECIALLY not MW2. I'm not buying that tripe until the price drops. $60 for a 5 hour campaign? No, thanks.

Let's go, let's go...

...I'm bored, let's go.

3 points to anyone who knows where that's from.

Games are getting boring. I just beat Resistance 2 and before that, Prince of Persia, both of which were really kind of... meh... It's been a while since I played a game that I was actually really excited about. Maybe Gears of War 2, or MGS4 before that. Honestly, I haven't enjoyed many games this year. NG2 was boring as all hell. I'm so weary and weak from all the Rock Band and Guitar Hero games that I get diarrhea from them.

I rented Fallout 3, and that's... kinda boring so far, as well. Hopefully RE5 and Killzone 2 will kick huge amounts of ass.

I also hope I'm not just growing out of games... God, that'd suck.

War... has changed...

And I guess I'll just have to find out how much.

I really should update this more often, but I don't think anyone really reads it anyway.

I'll post how MGS4 is when I'm done, if I remember. Same with Ninja Gaiden II.

...and ends.

Wow. Can't believe how late in the year it already is. Life is flying by. Already beaten Dark Sector, now just replaying for the Achievements, which I must admit, I've become quite the Achievement whore. I'm also, rather strangely, eagerly awaiting Okami for the Wii. Absolutely one of the most beautiful, well done games of all time. Spectacular.

So, what're we waiting for now? Hmmm. Well, Ninja Gaiden 2. Guns of the Patrios. I'm not sure what else. In the long run, I'll be waiting for AC2, GoW3, Gears of War 2 (due out in Nov?), FFXIII and FFXIII vs... Wow, lots of titles. I'll let you know how things are when the next one drops.

Til then.

The countdown begins...

We've got just a little bit less than a month before Dark Sector comes out. And after that, it'll be Ninja Gaiden 2. And after that...

the Guns of the Patriots.

Another one down...

Well, it's already 2008. '07 went by pretty fast. A little too fast, if you ask me. Seems like there's always more to do, and never the time to do it. Got the band going almost full throttle now, working my ass off, and trying to keep on my gaming on top of everything else. Wow. I need a few less hobbies it seems like.

But, anyway, yeah. If you're interested in some good metal, metalcore, whatever you wanna call it, check out our myspace. www. You just may like it. We don't have any finished songs up, but I've started doing drums in the past week or two, and we should have some completed ones up in no time.

On the gaming front, I can't WAIT for some of the games coming out this year. MGS4, DMC4, Turok... There's a lot. Should be some good stuff. I've be really surprised if it's not. You can count on that.

Beyond that, not much. I'll talk to you in '09 probably.

Well then...

...the next countdown begins, until Assassin's Creed. Man, am I pumped for that game. Gonna be so sick. For sure.
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