You're not intuitive or clever, you don't know who is typing this so stop pretending that you do.
If you're going to try to change my opinion on something, even though I don't understand how that would benefit you at all, offer at least 1 argument in your favour, rather than hur dur its terrible, you're an 11 year old fan boy. You don't know who I am, what I like or how old I am, but here you are typing like you've met face to face.
If you read my comment, I said I enjoy the multi-player in some of the games, yet here you are trying to take that away from me because you're a hater, you hate for no reason other than to hate because again, you haven't offered a single argument in favour of your views. And "lol", "so funny" "fanboy", stop pretending that you're actually laughing, grow up. And "guys", don't pretend there's anyone else in the room with you
@rosinmonkekyx17: You're a moron. There is nothing to correct, your opinions are nothing more than your opinions, not absolute truth like you seem to think. I don't accept shit, I can think for myself thanks
@the_groosalugg: they're so arrogant they'll prob ignore scorestreaks once again and go back to that disgusting offense, defense and specialist streaks only rewarded by killing that they're so proud of, goodbye game modes, hello people camping objectives just to get kills and activate 15 choppers per match
I can't stand call of duty haters, much as the campaign is total repetitive, run and shoot garbage, the multiplayer is still a finely tuned and diverse experience. All the controls and physics are so damn tight, that you simply cannot get the same quality from any other shooter on the market. Every other game, despite its own personal charms, is just that bit sluggish. But Ghosts was just plain shit, black ops 3 is below average. Advanced warfare was good, but infinity ward can seriously go **** themselves. How long before they add a fucking volume control that isn't just a master volume I can do on my own tv? I'm sick of their shitty music and annoyingly bad attempts at foreign accents announcing every single thing that happens in a match
Espesh for this survival mode, this game is far too easy. Started a melee only file, read on other boards about people playing on normal until they get a few good perks and weapons. Like wtf are they on? I knifed my way straight to the big leagues, and now I kill milelurk queens and whatever deathclaws in one stab. Started using guns after level 50 to make the game harder
I don't have clue what they're on about, but consoles don't need PC settings because all the machines are the same, where as everyone's PC will differ. But this reminds me that when I first saw this game, the graphics were photo-realistic, I watched some recent gameplay videos and it didn't look great
Pirated dragon age. Was never gonna buy it otherwise, was only curious if I could get it for free. Bought Witcher. Witcher was one of the best games of the year. Dragon Age was unadulterated bullshit where all you do is run around and collect crystal skulls
The_Groosalugg's comments