Buy a ps4, get ps3 games for it. Seriously this is the definition of what Sony has done for the last 2 years. I bought a ps4 and sold it because they really do think their shit don't stink
@davidsworld3: this. I stopped playing it a week after release and it made me sell my xbox. Haven't bought a console since as I figured if that's all the exclusives they're gonna get for £50 I'll stick to pirating the trash. All you did is run circles as you shoot clip after clip into bullet sponge bosses. There was zero strategy to the game as you had to permanently run around, if you stuck in a single place too long it just spawns an enemy there, and if you try shooting it, it disappears. Same repititive planets, same enemies, same fights. Trash 0/10
Early reviews are always bad signs. Normally reviewers don't need to be "paid off", the publisher simply tells them they won't get an early copy of the game if they leave a negative review.
seriously, why do people still play this shit? This game was shit when it came out, and its still now. All you do is go shoot at respwaning enemies, and the boss fights are bullet sponges that spawn enemies behind you if you stand there too long, and vanish them away if you start shooting back at them, with the possibility of lasting several hours for one boring fight. Even the best, AAA games last me a couple of months before I've done everything there is to do, then I just need to move on. Yet people are still playing this 2 years later, do you people actually have nothing better to do? I just don't understand how you can keep playing this and feeling any enjoyment. I lost all enjoyment ploaying this within the 1st week, but seriously people, playing a 6/10 game 2 years later, let it die already.
Its shit like this why I ended up selling my xbox and ps4 and just went back to pirating shit on pc. I liked the console achievements/trophys and definitely preferred the online. But years of supporting developers to get this sorta treatment makes me think no, rather download b grade grind games for free and spend my money on something non game related.
I hate the way these greedy parasites try and justify this in full price games by saying its optional. Whatever happened to having a game that doesn't lock its content behind repititive, grinding gameplay? Whatever happened to simply unlocking content by playing the game and completing challenges?
The_Groosalugg's comments