I'm a big Forza fan and all but making the Ferrari 458 a preorder exclusive is kinda low.
the_mitch28's forum posts
I've come up with a few advantages that each have over the other.
Console Advantages:
- Price. I say price and not up front costs for a reason. People often say that Steam sales even everything out in the end, but that's BS. If you shop around and know what you're doing, console software is just as cheap or cheaper than Steam, even when Steam is having a sale. I often get brand new, sealed console games for anywhere from $5 to $15 bucks. Not bargain bin stuff, critically acclaimed games that sell for $60 bucks almost everywhere you go. The real difference here is the platform costs. Consoles are roughly $300 bucks, whereas if you want a top end gaming PC, you're easily spending over $1000 bucks. A top end video card alone costs more than a console, then you have to take into consideration motherboard, disc drives, harddrives, RAM, processor, cooling, power supply, sound card, and if you buy the good stuff, it can get expensive in a hurry.
- Optimization. This sort of goes hand in hand with price. Consoles are streamlined, everything from their hardware assembly to firmware are completely focused on gaming. If you put the same processor and GPU in a PC and a console, you will get significantly better performance on the console. With the PC, you need to compensate for the fact that you're running so many different processes and dedicating less of your RAM, CPU and GPU to gaming. To do this, you need to get really really nice hardware.
- Local play. Yeah, you can LAN up on PC, but local play is so much more convenient on consoles. Whether you be playing Madden, split screen racing or shooting, it's just a lot better on console. PC is just that, a personal computer which delivers a personal experience. Your friends can watch, maybe get a turn or 2, but they're not going to be playing with you.
- Fighting games.
- Racing games.
- JRPGs.
- Halo.
- Uncharted.
- Multiplat games that don't come to PC like Dragon's Dogma and SSX.
- Simplicity. You never have to bother with settings on the consoles.
Few things.
Buying PC games is most definitely cheaper, nothing 'BS' about it. It isn't impossible to find heavily discounted new console games, it is however extremely hard to do it at the same consistency as PC games... especially on day 1 releases and with as much ease.
Buying a console is cheap currently, they weren't always cheap. Of course buying a PC with state of the art graphics is more expensive, you could also buy a cheap PC with antiquated hardware like the consoles.
There are just as many racing games on PC.
I don't really think Halo and Uncharted are that desirable to PC gamers IMO, Halo is a console FPS and Uncharted is well... an extremely linear 3rd person shooter.
There are just as many PC exclusives as console exclusives, so it's just a matter of preference.
Nar 360 and PS3 are both equally weak, 360 is copping the flak in this case because Microsoft isn't doing enough first party development and he's mad.
Nobodies pushing the PS3 anymore either, just because they're making more games doesn't say anything about the consoles limitations... nothing they're doing on the PS3 is particularly ground breaking.
It just came off as blind hate, seeing as the games he mentioned are multiplat..... there's nothing stopping him from playing AC3, BL2 or Dishonoured on the 360, he's just hating.
Yeah but when you're making games you have to decide between what's a cool feature and what's actually fun.
[QUOTE="Desmonic"]I think so. The buttons shown on the right bottom side of the screen were the "O" and "X" so I'm assuming it's the PS3 version :P True, though that's hard to believe considering the smooth framerate, draw distance, and detail... I don't think that's what it's going to look like on ps3...[QUOTE="parkurtommo"] That was the ps3 version?parkurtommo
Most likely the PS3 dev build running on PC. Almost all previews of games are shown on PC so they can jack up the AA and resoultion without slowdowns.
What? I don't think the console dudes understand that higher clock speed doesn't equel better performance.
That's like saying a 3 GHz Pentium 4 is better than a 2.66 GHz Core i7........ higher clock speed bro. Cram enough juice and cooling into anything and you can get higher clock speeds, doesn't mean it's better.
It's more likely that companies like EA and Activision will get smaller if anything, D2D has already taken a lot of power away from them.
Both are good games, L4D is far from terrible and is much more refined than Dead Island.
To me a sign of a good co-op game is one that you can keep playing over again and still be entertained. Personally I lost interest in Dead Island in the 2nd Act (the town part, too many underground sewerage crawls), L4D1/2 I play a lot with friends and it keeps me on the edge of my seat every time.
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