I own a PC, 360 and PS3.. currently my play time on the systems is about 90% PC and 10% 360 with almost no playtime on the PS3 as none of the games hold my interest. Of course this changes sometimes like when a new Forza, Halo or Rockstar game comes out.
I only tend to bother with mods in open ended games, just because once I finish a linear game I'm not really compelled to go back and play it with or without mods.
I only upgrade my hardware when I start to notice it getting slow. So I don't really upgrade often at all.. maybe once every 3 or 4 years.
I am 100% self taught when it comes to computers.
Every computer that I have owned has been custom built.
No I would never buy a Mac for gaming, that's like buying a Toyota Prius for track racing.
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