In the end death is the only adventure worth waiting for......................But death is................The great adventure.
                    Damian Rice
In the end death is the only adventure worth waiting for......................But death is................The great adventure.
                    Damian Rice
Korn called us last night from there hotell room, We got to know them pretty well, and they invite us over to jam, They Told us that we had tallent, And then laughed when we asked them to help us get in the buisness, They said that we would be able to do it on our own.
Then we jammed for a while, and the went to get something to eat. Those guys are pretty cool.
We were so close, We almost won.But we only got second. We were the only one's who played original music. Oh well, At least I meet Korn, And they really liked our stuff, But we still lost.
The BOTB is tonight and I can't wait. Music is my life and Im so close to my dream I csn taste it. But theres going to be a lot of bands there, So wnere going to have our A game.
A few famous bands are going to be there, Such as Korn, Ive always wanted to meet Jonathan Davis, And now is my chance. To win this thing were going to have to blow the judjes away with our first proformace.
God I hate it when people type like one line on the message boards. There has to be more they could have said. I mean the point of the hole thing is to have a discution, But I never can.
I think that the officers should find a way to get people to actually talk, But there isnt any way to do this, Short of holding them at gun point, And i dont want to get any one arrested.
I just joined the Legand Of Zelda Union, But its not really catching me like the FFU. But I guess I cant stay in one union forever. But still I think Ill still spend most my time in FFU.
Im a Zelda fan and all, Its just their union doesnt have any flash. Sorry fellow members.....
I really hope that I will be acceptedas an officer, I truly feel that I could add to the success of the union. The only problem is that Im new to this site, And I feel that Im not being taken sereiously.
I guess theres nothing I can do about it, Im at level 5 And If they reject me Its not like they dont have a reason, But I finally found A place were I can actually have an intelligant conversation about FF for once......................Oh Well.
I guess in the end Ill have to work hard to earn a spot. And If thats what I have to do than so be it, Im going to work hard to get to the officer status
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