E3 is finished and at the end of Microsoft's conference, the GOW logo was shown. A couple of months ago, Microsoft purchased the Gears of War franchise. Last time I heard about the new Gears of War, it was reported that it's in prototype stages. That's probably why no news about it was shown at E3.
Gears of War is one of my favorite game series and is almost on the same level as Halo. Unfortunately, Gears: Judgement was a disaster and many people don't even care about another Gears game coming out. But I have high hopes for another Gears game.
Create- your- own COG soldier, return of Horde mode, COG versus Locust (Instead of Red vs. Blue), revamped Beast mode, etc.
A Gears of War: Marcus Fenix Collection would also be interesting to see.
What are your hopes for the next entry in the Gears of War series?
I also feel that the first look into the new Gears of War will be shown at VGX this year. Judgement was shown there last time and I think that would be the perfect time to get a CGI trailer at least.
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