They have given some fairly impressive specs which are obviously aimed at 4k gaming which is supposedly native like the 320gb bandwidth for texture streaming right but I want to know as follows. Console games render at a set resolution so if a person uses a Scorpio on a 1080p screen will they have a massive increase in fps? Is the game down scaled from 4k? Would they have access to ultra settings so all that extra gpu power isn't being wasted?
I don't see the point in this console being aimed at 4k, I have a 4k tv myself which I pc game on sometimes and only for certain games. If I can get 30fps at 4k with certain settings turned down or off I can usually get 60fps with vsync at ultra at 1080p which is a lot better of an experience. 1400p 60fps is what they should be aiming for for now at least with graphics settings turned up high or maxed.
Capcom have made some real stinkers in the past few years. I liked 4 and 5 as games but not as a good continuation of the original zombie story which I like to think ended with Code Veronica. Operation Raccoon City and 6 were unplayable, like what we're they thinking. Only good thing about 7 is they can't actually make a worse game than ORC so that's a small comfort.
@angrycreep: no it isn't. The xbox 360 and the ps3 both had redesigns because of major design faults in the originals, the xbox 360s heatsink was terrible and the ps3s wasn't much better. As far as I'm aware the ps4 and xbox one both technically work good.
So they will have 3 consoles on the everyone at Microsoft pissed or something. Why bring out the S version if they are doing the Scorpio one, will there eventually be a Scorpio S as well lmao
First few Ghost Recons were perfect tactical games, would spend a good hour or 2 doing cooperative terrorist hunt, painstakingly slowly creeping into position and surveying the area before attacking. This looks rubbish.
Was a fun game, had decent shooting and combat and a typical sci-fi story which sort of went really well with it. I probably would pick up the remaster but a sequel would be better.
I got rid of my ps4 about 2 years ago and I have wanted to pick one up cheaply recently but I probably will end up buying one of these, especially if they include something like a 4k bluray player.
Askham City needed roughly a 570/580ti to run on max with full physx, I doubt the remastered version will look better on consoles. Plus after the Arkham Knight disaster they gave all the other games out for free which means I have about 2 of each already in my steam library and some rubbish 2d one.
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