Is that all you have? Wow, look who's on the defensive. No really I want to hear why the 360 is worth the -$200 I wouldn't have to pay for a PS3.PS3 = $600
360 + 7 years of XBL + 4 extra controllers + every game out for the system + HD-DVD + Wi-Fi + a car to go get it + electricity = $73,456.86
Thats the logic I see in every thread like this.
thedarkomen's forum posts
[QUOTE="books83"][QUOTE="cakeorrdeath"]This is by far the most wrong thing they have done so far, in my eyes.
They are now giving us a shodier product and charging us more for it.
Well think about all those great PS3 games that they are going to have for launch. Wouldn't you rather play those than some silly last gen PS2 games.
lol fanboys never fail to amaze me. It seems like only a few months ago that 99.99% of the cows out there were blasting the 360 for it's lack of backwards compatibility..and now all of a sudden it's not so important?
Of course BC is important. But unless you have a Wii, you have no place to talk about BC.[QUOTE="thedarkomen"]Noticing a change in the wind lately.Oh last gen we acted immature? Not really. I remember last gen, the Dreamcasters were sooo immature. They said things that have never been uttered in a system wars. And this was before the PS2 even launched. I'm saying it in general just in case, we want to show that gamers don't need to bash a system all the time. We can have our cake and eat it too.
The system war boards are a lot less violent.
There are a bunch of those PS3 haters, but it is beginning to finally quiet down.
Admist any trivial bad news, like the Europe backwards compatibility being overly exaggerated, people are beginning to see that it is a worthwhile machine.
I have a Wii and PS3, I support them both equally, but I'm glad to see the karma come back to us.
This time, let's act mature and be true gamers without obnoxiously bashing the other systems 24/7.
We have great games, we know it, and everyone else should too.
Just some of my thoughts lately. Yours?
[QUOTE="thedarkomen"][QUOTE="XenoNinja"]Sony fail beyond failure.NedemisWhat does that make the Xbox360 then? O_O How many games from the original xbox are emulated again? but MS isn't giving up on the BC emulation. Sony's flat out telling people that they no longer are focusing on BC. :| that's so wrong considering that use to be one of the very few bragging rights Sony had. Oh you mean like in about 10 years the 360 may finally get about 100 games BC? X-D Don't make me laugh. The interview was exaggerated. You can still play tons and tons of Ps2 games. It's not like they completely scrapped it. There's a thing called firmware updates and Sony has been updating them very frequently. They are fixing the problems. When was the last comment about BC from MS? You know what, who cares haha. Go ahead, bash away haha. Enjoy the karma.
The system war boards are a lot less violent.
There are a bunch of those PS3 haters, but it is beginning to finally quiet down.
Admist any trivial bad news, like the Europe backwards compatibility being overly exaggerated, people are beginning to see that it is a worthwhile machine.
I have a Wii and PS3, I support them both equally, but I'm glad to see the karma come back to us.
This time, let's act mature and be true gamers without obnoxiously bashing the other systems 24/7.
We have great games, we know it, and everyone else should too.
Just some of my thoughts lately. Yours?
Sony fail beyond failure.XenoNinjaWhat does that make the Xbox360 then? O_O How many games from the original xbox are emulated again?
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