thedarkomen's forum posts
It's called grasping for straws buddies, just keep it down, and be smart about this alright? It's an opinion, treat it like one.
[QUOTE="Gzus666"][QUOTE="Odissius"][QUOTE="socomn00b"]And the guy who said the A.I. blows doesn't know a thing. For once I'm playing a FPS where the enemies actually TRY to get out of the way of my bullets by either moving side to side or ducking behind cover.OdissiusAre you serious? The enemies automatically know where you are no matter what...they shoot you from freaking far away... Honestly, the A.I was terrible in the game....just admit to it, please... ive never seen that, i snipe about half the normal chimera with the carbine, and unless they see me, which they usually dont unless im out in the open, and actually posing a threat to them, i take em out with a good head shot most of the time. i had one point where i was on a top level, and i could see one of the chimera through the boards, and i took a aimed shot, and he noticed me before i could aim, and ducked. thats not the only time, just an example, also we are talking a mutated creature, they might have better eyesight, and maybe that is reflected in game, but it is never unrealistically far. i have a good feeling your biased against Sony for some reason. while you say you own it, seems like there is a good chance you dont own it, if you dont like it, why not sell it? Keep's sitting in the living room... I just get angry when a bunch of fanboys say a game is so amazingly great, when in fact it is not. OMG Resistance is an amazingly great game. OMG Resistance is an amazingly great game. Your Logic? 2 cents Your Pride? 11 cents Getting angry over a video game? Priceless
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