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thedaybreakers Blog

Do I even exist

Well, I feel that I'm "left out" in my family, I got the feeling that I'm being ignored and hated by my parents...So I got my report card last September 11, My General Average for this quarter is 88, Them my mom got dissapointed because (based on my mother's memory) when I was a sixth grader, "I GOT many LINE OF 9'S on my card" which is not true, I got a really fair grade when I was a Grade Six student. Now she's comparing my grades to my little brother's, Just to be clear, my little brother's G. Average is 88.59, so see the difference BUT my parents always THINKS that my is the NICEST, SMARTEST AND THE MOST-RESPONSIBLE:evil: #&*%$#@$%^&%$^*)*&^%$#, Hey sh*t my parents keep telling me that I'm careless, iresponsible, mean, and not a good sister and same to my big brother.So what will happen the next day, I'll be expecting that I'm being shouted and hated by my parents and my little brother and my big brother too will be shouted etc., So I'm asking for your help, What should I do, hide my true feelings or talk? And I'll read all of the comments, next week...

...and if there are any opinions, I respect your opinions.

Thank you for reading this:)



The Bacon talks

You love Pizza?:P

My friend Therese said if you have game consoles, "Take them with care":|:P NNNOOOOOOOO!!!!, then Kamal said "TAKE CARE OF YOUR CONSOLES, WEIRDO", that sounds nice;) so I lol'd when I heard what Therese said, she's copying our teacher:|, Therese is mean:(:P, She's good at imitating people, especially mean teachers:twisted:, They are nice!:D, for short I love them:D



Isn't he adorable?:P


Thanks for reading:)


-thedaybreakers- ;)

the Level-up blog, one boring blog

That's all, WOO!!! I'm a Ring King, I WEAR SO MANY BLING(S)?!!!:o

BLING-BLING....and I don't wear a ring right now:D


Hi People:D Say Hi to me! :x:P

I like PIZZA :D Everybody likes PIZZA:P

I'm Doing Homework and a project in Computer :( So don't disturb.:P


Well, Thanks for reading this two-digit word blog:S

BYE! ;)

-thedaybreakers- :D

HEY THERE! (caps)


Post anything you want in this blog




Go! Post!Post!Post! :)

I'm tired, I need a break

It's my Birthday............(:

Hey :D

It's my birthday :o:D

I'm 14 today :D


The things I like:D

1.) BOXERS;) - I now wear pink boxers:|:o:shock:

2.) FRIENDS:D - I love my friends ;)

3.) Gamespot:) - Not a perfect website but I enjoy it :D

4.) I'm lazy :|......

5.) PIZZA:shock: - Everyone likes PIZZA!

The things I HATE:twisted:

1.) ONIONS:x - They make me cry :cry::P

2.) SCHOOL:evil: - It's my nightmare :?

3.) My math teacher:twisted: - She's always angry, mad, shouting at us, giving us HORRIBLE assignments :x

4.) TWILIGHT:X - It'soooooooooo ridiculous :twisted: and many girls think Edward is hot :| (example: oh my god! edward is soo hot :"> WHAT!!!??? :x)

5.) Being embarrassed in front of many people - Yeah, I hate that :| blah....blah...blah...

Yeah that's all for today :D

Thank you for reading :D


-thedaybreakers- ;)

Just keep it to yourself DUDE!

Here's the part two of my results :)

Pub.Speaking: 35/50 :|

English: 55/70 :lol::| it's okay

Arts: 34/50 IT'S HARD :(

TLE: 47/60 :D

Filipino: 72/80 :o:o aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Computer: 34/50

AP: 71/90 :)

And I was a contestant in a quiz bee :| so my group got 2nd place :)....BUT I got a fight with a cla$$mate, you know why...BECAUSE this PERSON JUST SAID IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLA$$ "Mallari should be the one who competed on the quiz bee instead of Maxine" :x (i just translated it in english:|) Then I shouted a bad word so loud :| Sorry if I'm behaving like a wild girl but Is it my fault that I were chosen by my filipino teacher :| First of all I never joined in any contest, this is my first quiz bee, And Shermaine Andrea.......YOU KEEP YOUR ....ING OPINIONS, COMMENTS TO YOURSELF :x...I thought she's my friend, I regret for doing it :| Then you keep saying it was an accident, I didn't mean it....:( and I kinda cried a little :lol: I'M A CRYBABY :cry::P CRYBABYCRYBABY :lol::twisted: but thanks to my friends they made me laugh :) so I'm really sorry if I'm behaving like this :)

So thank you for reading :)


-thedaybreakers- ;)


THE RESULTS (part one)

Hi there :D

First of all....

I FAILED AT MATH!!!!! :cry:;)

So here are the results of my exams (I only got 3 scores today:() :

CL: 54/70 :D they say(i'm reffering to my friends, and cla$$mates) that i got a high score :|:D I'm not happy with my score :P

Math: 36/80 :o YES I failed and I'm proud of it, I'M HORRIBLE AT MATH :D

Science: 61/80 :| :( I'm soooo dumb and I'm not good at converting and the significant.....figures :| but I'm fine with my score

So that all because my teachers are sooo busy :( :P math!!!! ;)

Thanks for reading :D


-thedaybreakers- :)

My exams are done (yesterday blog)

Hi there:D

I was supposed to post this blog yesterday but MY LAME LAPTOP IS GOING CRAZY :x stupid laptop:|, Well anyway I'm done with the exams...*shouts*...The results of my exams will be on my next blog, I think:D.Exams are evil :twisted: They make students NERDS :o:shock::P Just Kidding :D...I'm excited for my birthday :D

So Thanks for Reading :)


-thedaybreakers- ;)

Bring it on!


DAMN YOU EXAMS :x AND PROJECTS :evil: your killing me X_X

SO MANY PROJECTS :( (AND MY EXAMS IS COMING :shock: :o ) *i will destroy my projects :twisted: :P *

BYE!!! :-h

Note: I may be out in the next two weeks :D

BYE :D :-h

-thedaybreakers- ;)