thedynamite007's forum posts
Early stage, current stage or final stage I don't care, THIS PICTURE LOOKS FREAKIN AWESOME!!!AgentH
Hey its hard to judge if it looks gerat especially with that low quality pics
Where does it ever say its using any features such as physics and weather applied to cloths?taikthebate
Read the part about killzone 2
quote ""The Helghast are able to harness the raw power of the weather against you," Sony's Ron Eagle says. "It makes for some unique game play."
ButI still think the 3 fake pics earlier looks better than this one hehe! Thats whyI hate people who gaives us false hopesin the end we cry in dissapointment
I thinkI get it the enemy is covered in snow and thats a great effect. Oh my imagine when there are fightiung scenes in the mud, water, or dusty places and they really stick to the characters body wow!
I think weather will be at big use in this game.
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