Now under "The Good' it says "Great campaign scripting." I'm assuming that means either Activision paid GS to say that, or they actually fired the guys who wrote the campaign for the first Black Ops because that was by far the worst CoD campaign in existence. No matter what, though, i still never intend on buying this game until its maybe 5 bucks
@S0LIDUS_SNAKE First off, love your name. Second of all, thats what ive been saying- GS can no longer be taken seriously after this crap review. And yet every frickin CoD gets at least an 8.5 when its just a rehash of a rehash of a rehash.
I don't understand how so many people, almost all of my friends included, hate XIII so much. I understand yes, there are no side quests really, no towns. That's a bummer. But does no one care about the story? The battle system? The cast (minus Snow and Hope)? The environments? The music? The graphics? And for me not only is Lightning hawt, she is the best lead character since Cloud.
I'm looking forward to this XIII meets Majora's Mask meets Crisis Core, haters can just keep on trying to pull down all the lovers and optimists
Has anyone read the UK issue of PlayStation Magazine, I think it was the January or February issue? It had Kojima on the cover, and in his interview he said that he has A LOT of stuff he wants to do that's not MGS but Sony keeps asking him to do more so he does for the fans. However, if you didn't read the article, I'm sure you didn't know that he WANTED TO KILL SOLID SNAKE A WHILE AGO.
So I really think this game is a deserved break for Kojima, and it basically looks like Ninja Gaiden (which was awesome) meets the MG universe which I am perfectly fine with, since it actually seems like we get to play as the not-insanely-annoying Raiden from MGS 2.
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