they are africans infected with a disease...they should be killed...if they werent killed they would infect the world...nothing racist here....the whole racist thing is long over...manyyyyyyyyy games have a certain race for enemies or alies. gears is racist to locust????
pgr3 was and still is one of the best racing games out..mabey not alot of custimizing but the gameplay mechanics were great with very fast paced races. i have forza 2....imo get forza 2....sell it then get pgr4
ur parents are paranoid...yet online gaming is prety much meant for the 18+ crowd. they know people are very disrespectful online. just say you just want to get your moneys worth of your 400$ console. 60$ a year is nothing........ ask for it on your birthday/christmas they cant pass....i mean santa cant pass :S
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