Funny cos Halo>Killzone. Forza>GT in recent years.
Halo and Forza are MS's games that are head and sholders above the competition as an experiece. Sony don't have franchises on the scale of Halo. Uncharted is barely the size of Gears. It's arguably a better single player game, but even then Gears multiplayer is better unless you count the verticality in Uncharted.
I agree as a whole, Naughty Dog, SSM, Media Molecule offer some of the best games in the industry, but the others are hit and miss like Evolution with DriveClub, GG with Killzone 3 and Shadow Fall, hell, even ND have had their bad apples with Uncharted 3 to some. But who hasn't I guess?
At the end of the day, what matters is who is delivering now. Infamous SS proved to be nothing special for the franchise. Killzone Shadow Fall was shit. DriveClub was well.. you know what. This is Sony first party NOW. Sucker Punch and GG were two potential big hitters in 2013/2014. They both failed to maintain dat Sony first party "elite" status.
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