12 hours in and I can tell you that the game is repetitive AF.... It's so boring now I have loosed interest in it.. That's sux.. 2K you f****** knew ur game sucks and that's the only reason you didn;t release any copies for reviews. U bunch of liar and thieves
I barely check gamespot anymore and when I do it's getting even more lousy than it was last time I checked.. Miss the good old days with Sophia Tong, Chris, Petit etc...
As a hardcore horror survival gamer, and by finishing this game in hard mode 3 days ago, I give this game a 8. I had a blast. And those who said that this game sux I can only guess its that generation of young turd spoiled that only like big budget garbage with a straight line to follow. No other options
@Fandango_Letho don't be mad.. this is just the addition of facts. Been seeing a lot of complain toward van ord and this since a long while already. It is obvious that this guy only give a f*** about the games he likes end of story
@boodleout I agree and it's been already a lot of reviews disaster from him.. How on earth that guy is still here and was not on the layoff list this year...
thegroscon's comments