Its simple as that: for GTA4 rockstar rushed the whole thing to follow the deadline, result: no jetpack or really fun mission except the banq robbery and most especielly no base jumping and the worse no plane piloting... so disapointed and thats why rockstar didnt let any gameplay video leek until the day before its release... Please rockstar we are all fan of the franchise and my self since the very fisrt GTA.. we want something like san andreas.. dont take any stupid commetn seriously like "make it in london" or bresil... a huge map with lots with 3 big city and many small town with rednecks etc... :)
Please Rockstar dont do it in UK... A good location in USA with some out of town area like San Andreas will be the best and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont mistake this time we want base jumping but most important to pilote planes!!! Andrew stop with ur dumb ideas and being on the verge to cry all the time.. a smile on the pic wouldnt cost an arm...
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