With no good games coming out until October (IMO) i was going to pick up a racing game to tide me over but i am torn between Dirt, Grid, and Burnout: Paradise. Which one should i get?
sorry for misspelling, if u have any friends please tell the to sign.spatel38sorry to fill up your topic with BS, but BTW you can change the topic title by editing your first post if you want to correct it.
[QUOTE="theiceman08"][QUOTE="pspdseagle"] [QUOTE="theiceman08"]whats a tropy?Wildedge93Check my Sig, bud i was making fun of TC's spelling in the topic title. i guess it wasnt that funny :?because they though that is how u spell it! what does TC stand for anyway? i no it means the topic poster but what does it mean?how could somebody possibly think that trophy is spelled tropy. It was clearly a mistake.
I bought SSHD for the trophies but it turned out to be really fun. It finally got me off MGS4 even if only for a few minutes.
[QUOTE="theiceman08"]whats a tropy?pspdseagleCheck my Sig, bud i was making fun of TC's spelling in the topic title. i guess it wasnt that funny :?
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