my PS3 is connected wirelessly and i have verizon fios. as far as page loads its probably about3-5 seconds for the average page so its kind of slow, but when it comes to watching videos it works great. PS3 is perfect for watching youtube. my playing bar never catches the buffering bar if that makes any sense.
im going to get it because it it will most likely be a great game but i think that the graphics could be better, but the fact that you change sides from mantel to the rebels half way through the game is pretty cool.
yeah they are triggers but i wonder why they use the R1 as the shoot button. wouldnt it make more sense to make the R2/L2. i was surprised they used the R1 for firing a gun on resistance and GRAW2.Screamin_EaGLes
in some games it is R2. i think its is in FEAR but you are right it should be R2 in all shooters
i live in dallas and here its $8.65 for a 5 day rental but there are no late fees so you can keep it as long as you like and they will only slap you with a $2 "re-stocking fee" but after a while they will charge the credit card on your account for the full price of the game but when you return it they will put the money back into your account.
AO2 looks really good because i love playing co op with my buddies and this game will actually have you working together instead of both players doing their own thing. Im definently going to buy. As for R6V i rented it and thought it was pretty fun if you like tactical shooters but the online was pretty bad. Sometimes I couldnt even find a game, but then again this was the week of the release so it may have improved since.
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