will the downloads be free? i would think so. Also have you seen ps3movies.tv you can watch trailers there and they say live streams are coming soon but its still in beta right now. maybe the live feeds will start at E3. ps3movies.tv can only be accessed on your ps3 so dont bother trying to go there on your PC.
this game looks amazing to me the graphics look great and the gameplay looks like a lot of fun although it may become repetitive. ive already reserved my copy.
i have vegas and it sure as hell needs an update but it was the same way when it 1st came out for 360 and they updated it pretty quickly so i expect the same for ps3
i cant wait to see what sony has in store for this years E3. hopefully something to shut up all these ps3 bashers. what do you think they could unveil?
Where are all the exclusives? i hate to say it but game-wise 360 owns ps3. my buddy has a 360 and we argue constantly about which is better? I need something to shut him up. what is going to help ps3 get out of this slump? exclusives, new updates, aps?
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