[QUOTE="theiceman08"] Y i dont care...
i already have a PS3 and as long as games are coming to it i will be happy, why do i care about sales?
because if the sales are bad, you wont get games later... sales concerns us all
ff13 news is the biggest hit... now ps3 may be knocked out with this hit ? i wonder
MGS4 cant save PS3 alone, even it had big impact on PS3 sales...
if ps3 wants to be bigger, they should try to keep their exclusives well... otherwise PS3 is tend to die even before this gen ends...
Infamous, Little Big Planet, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, SOCOM, The Agency, Heavy Rain, Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier, Motorstorm 2, HOME, White Knight Story, LA NOIR, and Tekken 6
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