Youtube is going way too far with these copyright banning. Youtube is only great FREE advertisement for them. Video game publishers should welcome videos about their games with opened arms.
@kingliono I would say gamespot is biased as far as which console is wining.(When it was Sega saturn they catered to it. Then Dreamcast, then PS2, then xbox 360. Then once the Wii started to come around then they sided with it instead. Its probably going to be PS4 or PC next. Which ever one dominates.
The only reason why this game looks good because of cryengine 3. This game is muh. I think this game should of gotten atleast a 7 but it's not that great but a 4? Come on Gamespot!
@thomasn7 I seriously doubt that one. "Sony's lack of good exclusives this generation not to mention Xbox one actually works." But in the end it's all about games and which console has the most and the best exclusives. (That people want to play and will buy)
@Kenji_Masamune True that! Nintendo hasn't made a great console since NES. The Wii was just lucky and if you remember at first it didn't sell very much when it launched and didn't take off until the next holiday season after certain celebrities started wanting it and playing it.
@sierra118 The report wasn't ruined. It was a great report. She was professional about it. Anybody hearing M$ BS about zombies being killed and xbone live's transaction times isn't trying to release their numbers because they're not sure of them. It wasn't personal she asked what we thought. I personally am going tor the PS4 out sold the Xbox one.{by a few units} Tell me is my post ruined? See i will get an XBOXone when I feel its necessary.(like when the next halo series releases or they brought their way into so many exclusives that I want to play that I can't play them elsewhere) then I'll get one but until then I'll stick with PC and PS4. (With Wii U as honorable mention.)
PS4 and Xbox one is going to kill the Wii U. M$ is ficle PS4 had only launched in one region when they released their numbers. M$ had launched in 13 markets when they released their zombie numbers...(PS4 is out selling the xbox one big time and M$ knows it. XBO sold 1.7 million PS4 sold 2.7 as of Dec 1st)
I'm for them all PC then PS4 Xbox one. The chick in GTA 5 looks better then Lindsay Lohan. No case there. Nintendo is going belly up as a console. Software and handhelds are were Nintendo is at.
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