The way I look at it is this. If a people continue to choose to be entertained by excessive violence it doesn't help those who have a problem with violence that do so. Entertainment plays a big role in how people think or choose to act.
In my opinion games are what really matter when it comes to platforms and gaming consoles. Who ever has the largest amount of exclusive great games is what my platform of choice.
I think that M$ gets it. But I think like Sony did last console generation, they got too arrogant. The gamers and consumers have spoken but not loud enough. (If M$ were any where near earth they would drop that Kinect device requirement and drop $100 to directly compete with the PS4-But NOOOOO!) there going to keep there price point, and end up like PS3 did its first two years
Well I live in the us and can afford an Xbox one, but guess what? I'm not going to spend $500 on a device that a company 6 years ago put out a defective product, knew about it, and let it going on for 3years. ( I don't trust M$ when it comes to consoles)
I hate EA as much as I hate Xbox one's used games policy. i hope EA games don't sell very well on these next gen consoles. When that happens they'll be singing a different tune once again.
thekey's comments