So now that this greatness has been released, whats going to happen when Tekken x Street fighter releases. (Will the PC gamers get shafted, remains to be seen)
@Magegg That still doesn't make sense to me, because console games are pirited all the time. And how much profit could they possiblely make in an arcade, These days? (Especially if you only have one arcade market) Oh well I just see it as a loss of potential sales. Why make 45 million when you can make 55 million?
@scribeman Unfortunately they still do. You just got to live with it. @RitsukoEX Thats why i gave up on those console things a long time ago. PC gaming is where it's at! Fanboys is the reason for console exclusives which I can't stand. Everyone should be able to play any game on any platform the only exclusive games out there should be games developed by house companies/Publishers.(Like Nintendo's Mario, Sony's MLB the show etc) Other than that all games should be available for all platforms.
@00J Personally I don't think any game should cost $60 especially if it's only on a DVD.(After a year the price of the game goes WAY down.) But I see what your saying. Skyrim was OK. But I think the Masseffect series was good, western RPGs are excellent.
@haksawjimthuggn Agreed. Any gamer with some since would know that not only the PS3 has superior hardware. The game exclusives on the PS3 look and play better than both 360 exclusives, and multi-plats. @frankie98989 If you look at the 360 pages for great scores. 95% of them are multi-plat games. On the PS3 page the Exclusives with the exception of HAZE get 8.8 or higher. The PS3 in this very site has more 9.0s' out of 10s than any of the current gen home consoles. No game in the 360 library can match the graphics of Uncharted 1 and 2, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, ratchet and clank a cracken in time, infamous, MLB 09 the show. Those games completely destroy Any 360 game in it's library. And the only flaw I saw with Heavenly sword was it's length, it was and still is a good game. And anothing also PS3 and 360 both are hard to program for it's just that developers were and are more familiar with the 360's archteture. Personally I'd take a 360 and or a PS3 over a Wii.
It's clear that both versions on this comparison are pretty much the same. @digitalgawd 1st off let me tell you I'm not calling you out because I want to try to convice you to think the PS3 is better than the 360. But if what you said is true that your on your 7th 360. That is worse of the worst. If you invested in a PS3 and never play PS3 games. You wasted your money and time. You need to check out games designed only for the PS3, such as MLB 09 the show, Killzone 2, infamous, Uncharted 1, and 2. NOTHING that has been released on the 360 graphically can match these games. And guess what they're also fun to play. You should check out these games instead of these multi-plat games because as you can see from this 5th round graphics comperison THEY LOOK EXCATLLY THE SAME. Grphically Uncharted 2 runs trains through ANY GAME on the console market right now. Also try playing both of these consoles with HDMI conections, you will deffinately see a difference. But in the end which ever current gen console lasts the longest will prove to be the victor....
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