in the billions if not the trillions
themeteor's forum posts
1 Most JRPGS bore me (just opinion and all that)
2 Pokemon is fun
3 Stop being such a fanboy, no one will take you seriously
Try giving your computers fans a clean. other then that you might try reinstalling or updating wow (I asume update come out quite often for it?).
I'm sure there is lots of other stuff I could suggest but im far to tired to think of them, sorry.
Looks kinda cool, but I can't see why I would buy it when I already own minesweaper. Don't get me wrong I love minesweaper its fun and its quick but I can't see what you have improved upon when compared to the orginal formula. Perhaps I'm missing something.
That said the visuals look slick and I imagine it would be fun to play but I can't see how you going to sell it. That said I wish you luck because it looks like you have put a lot of effort into what looks like a game full of potential but im afraid your gonna need the hype of audiosurf or peggle before I part with my cash.
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines (patch this)
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl (patch this)
I second these suggestions, based on what you enjoy I can't see you going wrong with them.
why would you? I get embarrassed when my hours get too high
Yep in an ideal world I would have all console and a PC. As it is I try and maintain a current gen console along with my PC (my platform of choice). That said I don't see the point of this thread it will only attract flame wars :(
read a book! Seriously I don't think I have played a game with a story as good you can get from a good book. That said as games go warcraft 3, KOTOR and a whole lot of older RPGs (before voice overs became mandatory) have good narratives. Lore wise the elder scrolls, half life and guild wars can be fascinating if you read around.
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