@angryguy77 Sony never announced they were going to have DRM in the first place. You can't drop something you weren't originally going to have.
I know for sure Microsoft wasn't going to drop the DRM if their sales weren't adversely affected by it, because that *WAS* their original, announced launch plan. If it wasn't, then they would never have announced it in the first place.
Sony, Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc. register a lot of patents for a lot of things. Patent registration has never been a promise of deployment of any technology. In fact, most patents never see the light of day. Announcing your console will have DRM, however, is a promise of deployment.
@Cl0ud Oh god, your desperation! It reeks. Go shower and remind yourself that over 90% of the world's population is outside of the US before making such a silly statement.
I don't care which console you support, but that's one hell of a stretch.
And the PS2 outsold the original XBox by a wide margin worldwide (155 vs 24mil) in the prior gen. I don't see your point - especially considering the marginal difference in sales between the 360 and PS3 (77 vs 75mil) this gen. Both consoles have been ahead and behind each other worldwide at different points in time.
Next gen is anyone's game. My money is on PS4 though, but it could go either way.
@KimCheeWarriorX @dejct He has a point in the sense that there just are no hard numbers to validate any claim. Greenberg is a Microsoft employee, not a Gamestop rep. Of course Microsoft - the makers of XBox - are going to say nice things about the XBox. Same with Sony about the PS4.
Where are the numbers from GS and Amazon to back up any claim that can be made?
@angryguy77 @WolfGrey Sony, like Microsoft, is a massive patent firm that will patent everything, even if a patent is a bad idea that will never see the light of day. It's just good business practice.
Doesn't mean they're planning on implementing DRM policies like Microsoft was/is.
Agreed, No one can say for sure because no one has hard numbers for anything. We need to get those, instead of listening to silly analysts speculating.
@JaleelT @WolfGrey @mattk442001 There was. Microsoft stripped their trust from me. It's obvious they flipped their DRM policies off like a switch, it was that easy for them.
What happens when that switch inevitably switches back on, hmm? "Oops, already paid for a One. Crap, now I have to deal with this reinstated DRM. Nooo!!!".
Not gonna happen to meeeeeee :D. You gonna sell yours then for chump change?
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