Its a game.. The person gives 2 things related to it games, characters..or watever....the next person selcts the winner n posts his 2 opponents Ill start Hitman Series vs Splinter Cell Series
Hey guys can u suggest me some gud adventure games with a rich storyline, order for no repitation..let me say I hv played : Indigo prophecy Grim fandango Syberia 1 n 2 Monkey Island Secret files tunguska Longest journey (will start from tommorrow)
Lets discuss gaming bloopers...i mean something which was not suppose to be in the game but happened... Once i was driving a bike in San Andreas on a mountain..n i jumped into the sky from the edge of the cliff...i cudnt belive it..i crashed into an was hilarious...
Syberia 1 n 2 - Marvellous The Longest Journey - The name says it all Secret Files Tunguska - Nothing great..but worth a try Indigo Prophecy - Best adventure game in years
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