@Zen_Light: Yeah. I feel better now than how I felt in my initial post. I think the game will do just fine. GameXplain feels pretty good about it, I feel pretty good about it, and I think I might get it for the heck of it. We should all be happy that Nintendo didn't throw this IP under the water like the other franchises that didn't sell well. Who knows, maybe F-Zero is next? F-Zero ZX? Because that sounds like a good title.
TheNDefender's forum posts
You'll see everyone you love and know die, while you continue to live. That's not a good thing to see
@Zen_Light: Ok good. I didn't want to ruffle any feathers, or should I say Pheasant feathers! HAH! Get it? Get it? Because Falco is a pheasant? I love my bad puns. Also is that user that was familiar named jcrame10? Because he made a hate thread like this earlier today.
I am tired of hearing about how bad Star Fox Zero looks and that Adventures was the best game ever. I agree with you about most of your opinion and you have every right in your own opinion about the game, the console, and everything else. I don't blame you, I am not trying to be a fanboy, I am sorry you are upset, and everything else. However, WHEN DO NINTENDO FANS EVER CARE ABOUT GRAPHICS?! It blows my mind, and I am tired of everyone complaining about the motion controls too. I'm sorry they are forced, but guess what? Don't let one stupid control scheme get in your way about the game as a whole! Get the heck over it! I heard that the motion controls are actually really good! Why does everyone think that not so great graphics makes the game bad as a whole?! At least it runs at a consistent 60fps! Yeah cows, PS4 can't run 1080p graphics at a consistent frame rate for most of it's games. Maybe the game will get good reviews, AAE? And vote with your wallet! Nintendo might bounce back, they might not. Mobile gaming is killing the console market for a reason you know! Minecraft has became so dang popular now that kids these days are too ignorant to even know what the heck a Mario, Sonic, Master Chief, and even SONY's lineup even is!! RC came out this week and SFZ comes out the next, in what way is RC dominating? Graphics? Textures? Gameplay overall? Sales? Everything? SFZ and RC are completely different things, in fact the reviews for SFZ are not even out yet! How is RC dominating Fox and the gang when SFZ isn't even out yet? And I understand that Adventures was the best Star Fox game, but WHERE WAS THAT LOVE WHEN IT NEEDED IT THE MOST?!!! WHERE WERE YOU GUYS??!!! JONTRON HAS SPOKEN ALREADY!!! THE GAME IS CONSIDERED BAD!!! And Nintendo is not trying to ruin their IPs. The dumb fanboys from the past and present are conflicting their initial judgements from on what to do with those IPs.
Whew, I'm sorry. Really sorry. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I don't blame you for having all of these opinions, and I think you are mostly right about the subject. Why should I even care about Nintendo anymore if all I see on this god forsaken place called the Internet is that they stink and that they are no good and that everyone hates them? I might as well get a PS4 for Christmas if the NX doesn't have what I want.
Sounds like it lowers your self esteem, and reminds of me of the My Honor meme from The Last Airbender.
Sure blame Nintendo for thinking that VR wouldn't be that way they should go. If it's not their style, it's not their style. Deal with it. I think they were just waiting to see if VR would take off or not. If it does, then they would be like, "Great let's go for it," if not, "Ok, it didn't sell well, so we won't bother with that audience." VR is the least of Ninty's problems right now, so they have every right to be cautious of that road. BTW I'm sure if they made a VR headset that is super cheap and runs at 90fps, then it will be the Wiivolution: VR edition. Also, it's only been 1 month sense Oculus and Vive came out. While I think they look cool and I want to try them, I don't think I will get it. We will only know if VR was a success this year until Christmas 2016 when all of the VR headsets have been out. Chill out, don't flame the naysayers just yet until you have physical proof that VR is succeeding.
Uh, Wii U is compatible with every Wii game right off the bat. Plus VC on the Wii Store is accessed on the Wii U so you can play even more last gen titles (you also get discounted on the Wii U Eshop for the VC games you have on the Wii Channel. No offense, but the Wii U is the king of BC. However, I'm glad Xbone joined in on the fun last year. Maybe Sony could do BC?
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