User Reviews & Ratings
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- 1 (2)
Red Ocean
Warpath (2006)
You Are Empty
Crysis Warhead
Exodus from the Earth
BlackSite: Area 51
i ll put it this way, GUYS if you REMOVE the bugs it will will be a 9.5 and one of the best game i ever played
i put it this way, GUYS if you REMOVE the bugs it will will be a 9.5 and one of the best game i ever played! amazing story and better graphs than crysis and different areas unlike fear also no puzzles and plenty of enem... Read Full Review
4 of 10 users found the following review helpfulBoiling Point
No story too difficult buggy crappy as hell and everything is against you, craziest crap ever with worse ai ever!
In 2005 Saul myers (ex-military) hits the boiling point and goes to puerto sombra to find his daughter, the jungle adventure begins! Nice story and loadscreens but the game is childish! Althoutht the gameplay is awful an... Read Full Review
1 of 8 users found the following review helpfulAdvent Rising
Nice story and some nice ideas, however it throws at you and hundrends of enemies in a lame way that the powers are crap
Ok first of all we seen how crappy this game is in xbox now in pc! The story starts nice like a blockbuster film, you are a pilot in a shuttle and going to a space station to meet with your brother, for the first cont... Read Full Review
1 of 5 users found the following review helpfulAlpha Prime
nice graphs average story, but way too difficult totaly uplayable no difference in difficulity settings and the worst ai
well its not bad, actually its exacly like dooom3 or quake 4, but it uses fear features aiming and slow mo, now the city part is to damn difficult for f#cks shake i was standing in a room and 2 guys see me i run back to ... Read Full Review
1 of 6 users found the following review helpfulF.E.A.R.
Amazing combat slow mo and scary moments, but corridors corridors and tight corridors how about a variety of areas?
Fear is a game of paranormal spec force and a little girl that jump out of the ring, overall a nice story! The game relies in realistic ballistics and the BEST slow mo i ever seen in a game allowing you to fight coun... Read Full Review
4 of 6 users found the following review helpfulFar Cry
Before Crysis was Far Cry AND THE LORD SAID: It was better, FAR better!
Before crytek brought us crysis they brought as far cry so its not a crysis rip off! Lets start first far cry was revolutionary the jungle ares are so exotic while crysis relies in realism, far cry has better levels ... Read Full Review
5 of 7 users found the following review helpfulDeus Ex: Invisible War
If you havent played the original game then you think its a great, game BUT compared to the first this game is a joke!
I am not kidding play the first deux ex the story is amazing in terms of conspiracy this one story is a joke is just like putting a cheap actor in sequel movie to undo the first movie's main actor job and mostly do nothi... Read Full Review
6 of 8 users found the following review helpfulPower of Destruction
AS I said at my previous acount Its a 3d flash-like shooter not a fps!
AS I said at my previous acount,The game sucks, first of all its not a fps but a shooter, in most levels you handle a machinegun and you shout at anything without moving, like operation wolf, or house of the dead, there ... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpfulMax Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Very short for a 9 very linear and it plays like crap(WHY ALL THAT HATE TO THE PLAYER WHY?) why a9? The Game is a joke!
First of all id like to say that the fact that the game requires you to go up an moving elevator box like stairs when the boss of the game is shooting you with a damn powerful weappon and kill you right away (why becaus... Read Full Review
2 of 15 users found the following review helpfulConflict: Denied Ops
A game that will feel real BAD in the beginning but if you give it a chance you see it has a realistic tactical style!
The graphics in the game are bad as you can see and sound is nothing special overally yes this is a bad game people talking about busted stuff well it aint the best but it aint totaly crap the truth is that YES I ACTUALL... Read Full Review
2 of 4 users found the following review helpfulGothic
Gothic is a NO QUALITY, there is no guarantee it will work properly or that is playable and that it can be completed!
First of all dont get fooled by user reviews like i did it suprise me too THAT underated? BUT you know how people are oh awesome, ehm it doesnt work propely , so? yo wont be able to play it? so? SO, gothic is a crapp... Read Full Review
1 of 33 users found the following review helpfulCrysis
This is the buggiest game i ever played with a lot of crap in it, it doesnt worth the 9.5, apart form graphs its garbage
6 of 23 users found the following review helpfulQuake 4
excellent design good for a editor to make levels but SP,MP story and levels are a joke compared to the legend of quake
Overally quake 4 is a pretty nice game nice ai the ability to dodge enemies attacks, nice start in the beginning the game is cool nice ideas like the Hannibal spaceship level that you get briefing, but thats it ! Later... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpfulDOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil
A pretty good expansion for the hardcore fans of the game, just in case that after such a long game you want more levels
Resurrection of Evil is 11 more levels to the original game overaly its fun not as good as doom 3 but not worse it jsut like doom, it worths it, the game has disabled the chainsaw, now you got a ion plasma grabber ,(HL2 ... Read Full Review
0 of 2 users found the following review helpfulDOOM 3
Doom 3 is a survival sci fi horror fps not a shooter and by the time you get used to the gameplay you will love it!
doom was one of the first fps ever made the story goes as the same a hellgate appears in mars city due to a teleporter expirement and everyone is turning into zombies and monsters appear, surly it doesnt sound like the ... Read Full Review
0 of 2 users found the following review helpfulFrontlines: Fuel of War
100% no bugs, MORE FREEDOM THAN CRYSIS awesome SP and buggy mp, WORKS SMOOTHLY no problems ,why all that HATE? WHY?
so i got the game well graphs are pretty goo,d nothing amazing but not as good as they look eg no antialiasing from ingame, its a PETTY GOOD GAME with palenty of FREEDOM its a cool game shotrt but aweome sp, and the... Read Full Review
0 of 4 users found the following review helpfulPsychotoxic
ehmm no not at all do you guys played the beta version? where is the boxshot?
1 have you played the game because its totaly not like that 2 ALL the levels are awesome, thatswhat the game is known for 3 no major bugs the only thng i spotted is that some times SOME SPECIFIC levels crash durng ... Read Full Review
7 of 16 users found the following review helpfulBrothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
9??? ARE YOU SERIOUS doom 3 and call of duty came BEFORE this and are beter in all aspects,overated, and not reallistic!
ok so cod came in 2003 and it has better graphs - 1, 8.9 cod had much better weapon aiming or i cant explain the fact that the newse BIA uses that -1, 8.8, doom 3 had far better graphs, -2 ,8.6, all the texures in ga... Read Full Review
3 of 23 users found the following review helpfulTimeShift (2007)
Great graphs and sound but gameplay and story need some work! <br /> (I AM TALKING ABOUT THE MEGA WEAK GUNS) ...cheaper
timeshift is a game that you can blend with time let me give you some hsitory tiemshift was to be released by atari, but things changed after a long while and we got it now by sierra fist of all ITS NOT AT ALL LIKE THE ... Read Full Review
2 of 7 users found the following review helpfulS.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
You think it rocks?, MEH i waited 5 years for this and its only 40% of what it supose to be play POSTAL 2 instead!
stalker is a game that took 5 years in long develompment! it supose to have huge areas and rpg elements the ability to upgrade buy and sell,NO stalker is a survival fps that starts without much of story and it ends t... Read Full Review
0 of 10 users found the following review helpfulCondemned: Criminal Origins
one of the best and original unique games i ever played i finish it 5 times those who dont like it are propably...well?
the game is unique diffirent from what you v seen and scary, ok lets make some things clear 1 i love fps, with guns 2 however this is a FAIR survival horor game, UNLIKE the res seriers you are not defend less if you... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpfulClive Barker's Jericho
9.5 as an idea but 6.5 as a result!
jericho is the next clive brker's game after undying so if you like this trust me play undying the game focuese on a paranormal squad callled jericho facing the demonic-morphed members of a cult in a lost city of all kha... Read Full Review
1 of 5 users found the following review helpfulFallout Tactics
Get serious this game is boring!
Before saying anything i got to say that this game higly dissapoited me why it not even close to fallout i dont like the damn idiotic suad that shoots each outher and the story is no- existed unlike fallout the game it s... Read Full Review
1 of 21 users found the following review helpfulCall of Duty
propably one of the best wii games ever
i ll make this sort combat is ok guns are nice and reliable ai is ok great sound and great campaign some levels like the german destroyer is cool and leaves the killing idea puts you more solo but is filled with enemies ... Read Full Review
0 of 8 users found the following review helpfulCall of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
i had to LOW rate it, AMAZING CAMPAIGN and multipalyer but sp levels dont give you enough killing to enjoy it fully!
Amazing game amazing story lots of gins easy to use that DO casue damage nice story amazing sound great ai that doesnt move stupidly takes mises and does getting killed by bulllets and DO take cover and crazy multipalyer... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpfulMedal of Honor: Airborne
great ideas graphs gameplay but poor design and short campaign that kill the idea
the game is immersive like the previous pc import pacific assault it uses the same engine and ideas like cool all time mazing music action but unlike mohpa moha uses more action than dramatic story the games sucks you i... Read Full Review
1 of 4 users found the following review helpfulCall of Duty 2
more like a nazi shooter than a wwii experience very overated game read this to tell you why
ok so first this game sucks compared to the first cod masterpiece or even 3 the game rellies more on graphs and the sight view or the slow mo after death and the health system mostly its its gameplay let me down so let ... Read Full Review
1 of 10 users found the following review helpfulMedal of Honor: Pacific Assault
best wwii story and gamepaly ever and japs trying to cap you, crysis in 40's<br /> <br /> I FINISH IT 5 TIMES
pacific asault is far better than cod2, why first of all ai misses and takes times to shoot here is you enable the pop up facts youll see messages from history facts and the developers work, eg we decide to make the japa... Read Full Review
3 of 5 users found the following review helpful
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