This is very misleading. Someone with a lot of twitter followers got an automatic refund. Meanwhile, those of us that don't have any "influence" aren't so lucky.
I bought my first game on Epic on 5/2, 12 days later they start the mega-sale. Their policy says 14 days but the fine print says you can't play the game for more than 2 hours.
I've put in a request for a refund, it's been 2 days and haven't heard back yet. I know on Steam I've gotten refunds for games on sale and I have been way over 2 hours. I'm still waiting to hear from Epic. This is sorta their one and only chance to win me as a customer. I'm pretty stubborn and I waited for BL3 and ME to be on Steam before I bought them.
We'll see, but my money is on that either I don't ever hear back from them or they just send me a denial quoting the you played for more than 2 hours.
Not sure I feel like rewarding them with a full purchase, so I will probably be waiting for the next steam sale to finally play this. Played the first one for well more than 100 hours. Passed on this simply because of the MT.
That's a shame! I've had my eye on this game for a long time, but I don't buy early access games, been burned too many times. Seeing the price double is certainly not going to bring in the sales of people like me who had this on the wish list. On top of that I just went to the steam page and also realized that not only is it $59.99, but I would also have to add the $19.99 DLC pack on top of that to have what early access people do. There's pretty much 0 chance I'm spending 2 cents shy of 80 bucks to get this now.
Despite that I wasn't thrilled about how it ended, the entire ME experience is still in my top 3. ME was an emotional roller coaster of a game. Experiences like playing through what ME offers are rare occurrences.
I've avoided pretty much any information about what is in ME:A, but I like what was said in the video, it's going to be really hard to live up to ME:1-3. I'll be finding out in a few days.
While I get that without ad revenue we wouldn't have Gamespot at all, this is a bit over the top. Before even watching the video I had to see an ad. Then the actual video contains basically a full ad at the beginning and end.
You commented in the video that you thought it was weird that they plugged Nov 7th as a date for the trailer. The reason for this is because November 7th is "N7 Day" (just google it if you need to). Bioware typically releases something ME related every year on this date.
As for the sneak peak itself. Yes it does look pretty awesome if you go to YT and watch it in 4k. The frame rate even seems acceptable. I'm not going to form any solid opinions just yet as this is probably very early in the game and might even be part of the tutorial. I'm really not expecting this to be representative of typical gameplay, or at least I hope it's not, if ME is turning into a platformer hybrid there will be riots.
ME is probably my favorite series I've ever played, it's one of the few games that I have actually finished from beginning to end several times. As with most people, I thought the ending was horrible, but I can let that slide as everything else was fantastic.
Looking forward to seeing more, but I've already decided that I won't pre-order. I'm not buying in until after release. There's been so much changeover at Bioware that I'm a little nervous at what they are going to do with ME.
You are right Mary. The game is making us all Gary.
I do hope in future updates that they add a little more strategy to the game. I won't lie though, the game is incredibly fun to play as is, but I get what you are saying. I'm pretty sure though that once they get the game much more stable that they will be adding more features.
Didn't they say that they were making sure the game shipped to people for the 23rd so that they could install the game and be ready to go for the 24th? That was some nice brownie points for Blizzard, most companies never do something like that.
But it was all for naught. I sure hope Mr. UPS guy gets here in the early afternoon, the game will be launching at 7 my time. Wonder why they changed their minds? Did they rethink the idea of people getting the game on the 23rd and not being able to play it right away? Anyways, I thought it was a brilliant idea that gave everyone the opportunity to play the moment the servers opened. Guess that isn't happening after all.
What do I care though, Monday night I'll be playing.
therealFrek's comments