I almost bought this one. Glad I waited. It's in my steam wishlist but I'll wait until I've seen some significant patching before I buy it. Thanks for the heads up GS.
Thanks for the review Kevin. At some point in the past I was going to pre-order this one. The online only thing though made me hold off until reviews came out (remember DIII I said to myself) In the end, reviews like this one (and other sites) and the on-line only play option. I've decided to just give this a pass.
Time to move on I guess, it's too bad because I'm old enough to remember playing the original Simcity with the clunky protection scheme that had you look up a code on a piece of dark paper that was really hard to photocopy.
@bakasora seriously, I was going to make an impulsive purchase and buy it today. Went to steam and didn't see it. I assume it's an Origin only title? After reading the reviews guess I'm fine waiting till it's available somewhere besides Origin anyways. EA's loss I guess, -1 sale here. Had it of been on Steam when I went to look today I would have bought it.
For me I play RPG's almost exclusively. I CANNOT stand how crappy Skyrim looks on my xbox. Compared to what it looks like on my PC all modded out with a custom enb and content mods there's really not even a choice here. When consoles get around to being more 'open' then I'd make the switch entirely to consoles.
I hope valve takes this into account and eventually links in their easy to use mod installer thru steam and hooks that up with their steam box.
Played AC1 on the PC, really enjoyed it back then. Pre-orded AC2. When I got AC2, I couldn't play it because there was some sort of problem with the DRM servers. Uninstalled it and put it on my shelf. Haven't touched the series since.
Ubisoft did send me an email some months later with an apology and a code to unlock some sort of DLC or something.. Never bothered with it. After watching this video I can see the story went bonkers anyways, so I don't feel like I'm missing anything.
Notice how a lot of posters are placing the blame on the set-up rather than on the cheating. I find that very interesting. What ever happened to cheating is wrong?
It's the exact same logic being thrown around here that has led to criminals being able to sue the victims because they hurt themselves while trying to break into their house.
Guess we live in an age where it's actually starting to be "wrong" to call a cheater a cheater.
Pre-EA takeover I would be asking "when can I pre-order?".
Bioware isn't Bioware anymore, it's EA using their name. After DA2 and ME3 I have absolutely no hope whatsoever that this will be anything like a "Bioware" game.
Sad to say, but there's little chance I even keep tabs on this. I'm just glad there are some games on the horizon that are interesting like Project Eternity, not to mention all the overhauls of the old Bioware games being done by Beamdog.
@Bozanimal exactly how I feel, my X3D pro sits on the shelf gathering dust. It's been many years since I've used it. I'm pretty sure there is still a large market out there that's waiting for a space sim that's done right. When is someone going to make it?
"EA revealed today that Origin now boasts 12 million members, up from an 11 million user count announced earlier this month."
6 million of which are people who downloaded BF3 demo or SWTOR and never touched Origin again. Nice spin EA. The rest of them are people like me who were forced to use it for ME3. I don't plan to ever use Origin again for anything. They'll never tell us the numbers but I'd be surprised if they had 1/4 of those so called users who had multiple Origin games on their account.
Why the announcement over this? I was really annoyed reading this post at first. I was regretting Wasteland 2 then read the tweet that it's not Origin exclusive. Still I wish kickstarter projects wouldn't get involved with EA, makes me NOT want to support them. The whole idea of kickstarter is to get away from corporate shills like EA.
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