Having a problem in Motorcycle Escape - at the part where you are supposed to fix up the tractor, drive it out of the shed and run over some garden plots to "grow" carrots - we can't get the tractor out of the shed! We fix it up, drive it out, but when the screen shifts back to outside, there's no tractor! This is the only treasure we need to complete the entire game and earn the extra levels in the Artifact Room - can anyone help?momof2boys1girl1.There is just an easy way!!!!!!!!!!! 2.I found it out by luck! 3.Choose free play "NOTE: Do not destroy any plant just go to tractor" 4.Go to the tractor and build it! 5.Stay the fixer(Do not change character after fix) 6.Go outside and destroy the three planting places(Plots) 7. A treasure should now Appear on the line after the bridge 8.Enjoy! 9.If you have any questions or anything just contact me at: thin_boy_123@yahoo.com/thin_boy_123@hotmail.com :) [QUOTE="Hackerz"Have funb and enjoy the last treasure (you can go to artifact room and play: young Indy, beat it then you can play treasure ???????)
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