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thingta42 Blog

Random Stuff Part#1

----Random Stuff Part #1----

Hello im gonna do Blogs with randon Bits of info in them when i get time, anyway for part 1 im Gonna give some quick snaps of info on some of the new Games ive been playing and stuff,

-- World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich king --

Blizzard have released some Info regaurding the ****s in-terms of changes heres a New paladin change

Retribution paladins will share their itemization with Death Knights and Warriors. Their group utility will be increased by making them more efficient DPS-wise,

Very nice change if you ask me, myself have known this for some time and blizzard have hinted so many times since 2.3 patch.

-- Alone in the Dark 5 --

Working on that atm just under halfway though it, ive wrote a review also so read that if you get time. also the game itself is fun :)

-- New system Specs --

Anyway my pc has changed soo much my current specs are, i had to buy a new PSU from my old on to the 720 Watt one cos Card needs it.

Nvidia 8800gtx 726mb

2GB of DDR Ram

200GB hard-drive

720 PSU

Intel core 2 Duo 2.40ghz cpu

Long tme No see

Indeed it has Been i have got a Way better PC Now With a Brand new Nvidia 8800gtx 768mbs 2GB of Ram and im gonna Buy a New Intel core Duo CPU Next week which should Rap things up for me for a while.

Ive made this Quake 4 Montage and the Song is Perfect Check it out here folks

Been Playing More games And gott n Alot of new ones alsoBeen playing Battlefield 2142 Latly and Medieval total War II ive Wiped the Scotish and French off the Earth Now im Im Raging War with the Holy Roman Empire. Like they win me Anyway as im Playing The Brits

Ive Reached Level 70 On WoW and Gotten 2 Epics and about 25% way to get my 3rd. I Also whooped this Orc Warlock two times at Darkshire after he tried to gank this level 34 But lucky i came in the nick of time.:) Pala! Ftw!

Thats it for Now i Keep you Lot posted Sn1p3r87 Out!

So in Total?

Let me see, ermm If you include the Better Graphics Card & Ram with my New pc i should have these Specs

200GB Sata Hard-drive

Intel D 2.66gz(Duelcore) Processor

Nvidia 7900GTX 256mb

2GB of Ram

LCD Moniter


With that i Should be Able to Max out F.E.A.R and Half-Life 2

Since if the computer i Get at christmas doesn't play Games as good at it should im gonna be getting better parts which is the Card and the extra 1GB OF RAM

First Blog in Age's

Well i'll be getting a New PC at christmas here are the specs

Intel Pentuim D 2.66gz(duelcore)

Nvidia 7300 512mb TC

200GB Sata Hard-drive

1GB of ram


Old specs(current)

AMD athlon 2200+ 1.8gz

Nvidia 6200 Geforce 256mb


38.9GB Hard-drive

So its a Big leap from what i got now. ive all ready got Games planed to get also

Half-life 2

Quake 4


F.E.AR(tried demo out)

So Gaming is loking good for me

Also im going to Get Legend of Zelda On the Wii when it comes out Just gotta get a Wii first.

Also im a Member of a New mod For C&C Zerohour im there Puplic relations manager. Well thats my blog news Catch ya l8ter poeple

All my Games ive played in my 15 years of life what i can think of.

Doom 3

Battlefront II

Command And Conquer Generals&Zerohour


StarShip troopers

Warhammer Winter Assult

Warhammer Dawn of War

Doom III Resurection of Evil

Fable Lost Chapters

Alien Vs Predator 2

Soul Calibur II

Lord of The Rings Return of the King

Lord of the Rings Battle For Middle Earth

Command &Conquer

Command &Conquer Conver Operations

Command & Conquer Red Alert

Command And Conquer Aftermouth

Command And Conquer Retalation

Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun

Command & Conquer Firestorm

Command & Conquer Renegade

Command & Conquer Red Alert II

Command & Conquer Yuri's Revenge

Theif Deadly Shadows

Star Wars Knights of Old Repuplic II

Burnout Revenge

Mortal Kombat Deception

Mortal Kombat Shoilin Monks

Halo 2

Halo Combat Evoled

Battlefield II Modern Combat

Kingdom Under Fire Hero's



Quake 3 Arena


Doom II

Doom II Master Levela

Evil Islands: Cure of The Lost Soul

Age of Wonders

Buffy Chaos Bleeds(U.S.A version)

Star Wars Empire At War.

Super Mario

Super Mario 64

Super Mario Kart 64

Mario Kart

Mario bros 2

Super Mario bros 3

Star wars Dark force's

Alien vs predator

Rome total War

The thing

Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil

Grand theift Auto San Andrears


Tekken 4

Tekken 5

Space invaders

Lord of the Rings Two towers

Lord of the Rings Battle for middle Earth II

Lord of the Rings fellowship of the Ring

Robo Cop 2

Street Fighter 2

Super Star Wars

Super Metroid

Putty Squad 2

Final Fantasy X2


Might And magic 7 for Blood and honour

Might and magic 6

Hero's of Might and magic 3

Heros of Might and Magic 2

The Blair witch Volume 2

Star wars Episode III

Matrix Path of Neo

Lego star wars

Star wars Rouge leader 2

Star wars Rouge Leader 3: Rebel Strike

House of Dead 2

Battlefield 2(PC)

Fifa football 96

V-Rally 64

Doom 64

Mortal Kombat 4

Mortal Kombat 3

Mortal Kombat 2

Mortal Kombat

Soul Calibur III

Tekken 2


Famerly Fun Train town "Sighs"

Sonic Racers

Alien vs predator Extinction

War of the Worlds online


Quake II

Pockey And Rockey

Predator Contreate Jungle

Final Fantacy

Final Fantacy II

Soul Reaver

Soul Reaver II

Soul reaver III

Sim city 2000

Sim city 3000

Sim city 4000

The sims

Area 51


Batman Returns

Batman Begins

Warriors of Might and magic

Mario Kart Double Dash

Mario Smash Bros Melee

Metroid prime 2 Echoes

Alien 3

Alien Trillogy

Serverance Blade of Darkness

Star wars Episdoe I

Dogz 3

Catsz 3


Bugs Life

Sho-Gun total war

Catz 2

Goldeneye 64

Jarraskic Park lost world

Jarraskic Park (SNES)

Splinter Cell

Time Splitters 2

Time Splitters 3

Grand theift auto

Grand theift Atuo 2

Gran theift auto London

Mario is Lost

Warhammer: Fire Warrior

My very first game **Super Mario bros 3**

Well Thats it Thats all i Can rember I Know thers more since i Had well over 100 Snes games and loads of ps1 games

Buti guess i played to Darn Many to rember!

Thingta42 Out...!

I was on TV

This is Kinda old but what the heck.

They was this program about a theme Park. and i walked past the cameras when they was filming this Ride. i didn't take note of it at the time.

Later on next week i sat down to watch it  And i was on TV! How cool was That!

My Current Game List.

Doom 3

Battlefront II

Command And Conquer Generals&Zerohour


StarShip troopers

Warhammer Winter Assult

Warhammer Dawn of War

Doom III Resurection of Evil

Fable Lost Chapters

Alien Vs Predator 2

Soul Calibur II

Lord of The Rings Return of the King

Lord of the Rings Battle For Middle Earth

Command &Conquer

Command &Conquer Conver Operations

Command & Conquer Red Alert

Command And Conquer Aftermouth

Command And Conquer Retalation

Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun

Command & Conquer Firestorm

Command & Conquer Renegade

Command & Conquer Red Alert II

Command & Conquer Yuri's Revenge

Theif Deadly Shadows

Star Wars Knights of Old Repuplic II

Burnout Revenge

Mortal Kombat Deception

Mortal Kombat Shoilin Monks

Halo 2

Halo Combat Evoled

Battlefield II Modern Combat

Kingdom Under Fire Hero's



Lord of the Rings the Fellowship

Quake 3 Arena


Doom II

Doom II Master Levela

Evil Islands: Cure of The Lost Soul

Age of Wonders

Buffy Chaos Bleeds(U.S.A version)

Star Wars Empire At War.

WELL THATS MY GAME LIST! ive gotten Rid of a few since last year but i plan on getting them again. sorry if i missed any what i have