And even if the community is decreasing, well, guess what? That happens. It's still very strong, though, IMO. I never have any trouble finding plenty of games to join.
I give it to Killzone 2, based on an incredibly deep online class/weapon/ribbon/reward system, and incredible map design. It doesn't hurt either that the graphics are amazing. MW is great, as well. Can't go wrong with either.
Just to confirm: these were PHAT DS and PHAT PS2, so I only got like 20 bucks for them. I don't play them anymore, so I didn't really care about not getting much for them. That's EBgames for you, though.
Welcome, and congratulations. I must say... You got a bad deal. You paid $400 AFTER trading in 2 consoles and some games? You should have went to Best Buy and paid $400 for the exact same console with KZ2 and MGS4 bundled with it. Oh, well. What's done is done. Enjoy.Nephilim83
So, I finally took the plunge. After a lot of strangely nervous times thinking about getting a PS3, unsure if I wanted to pay so much for the system, unsure if I was buying a reliable piece of hardware or one that will give me headaches, I decided to just go for it. I traded in my DS and PS2 and games for a PS3 80gb and Killzone 2, paid about $400 dollars as the difference. I'm still a bit shakey about doing this -- don't have a whole lot of money but badly wanted this system. I hope my PS3 won't have problems, be loud or overheat, and will deliver a solid gaming experience.
But I'm part of the PS3 community now and glad to be part of it.
Are there any first person shooters for the PS2 that still have some players online? I'd like to pick up a game and play online a bit (or at least against bots if possible) but don't know what I should get.
You can pick up a brand new PS2 and a dozen greatest hits games for probably less than the cost of the PS3 system itself. If you're looking to get into more modern gaming, want to play online, and want something more current with multi-use, go with the PS3. If you just want to screw around here and there with gaming and have fun, low commitment and cost, go with the PS2.
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