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#1 thomasbcperry
Member since 2007 • 142 Posts

This is a really good question. Both games are looking great. I think it is really hard to speculate which will come out on top or be received as better. They both have the opportunity to be amazing games with their own refreshing style of graphics.

I won't have the opportunity to play it for a while because I'm waiting for the PS4 to come out before I pick up a PS3 (that's how I roll) but I'm going to have to go with LBP. I am a little more excited to see how LBP turns out. I'll probably pick up Spore for my Wii on launch day. Ironic eh?

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#2 thomasbcperry
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Who says there better, YOU?

IMO, PSP is better...but you don't see me throwing it around like its facts. Its a matter of opinion.

I can't stand DS's kiddy lineups and animal BS. but to each there own.


Ok...So you basically just stole the words out of my mouth...Um...Yeah I agree with foresnic 100%. I mean if you like those games that's kool but remember the PSP has just as many AAAs as the DS and more AAs. I don't see how anyone could pick Hamsterz, Dogz, Catz, Horsez, Ponyz, Bunniez, Babyz, Chickenz and Fishez, over GTALCS, GOW, MGSPO, Daxter, Syphon...I mean it really doesn't make any sense, but hey that's just me.....

Comparing the quality of two systems using shovelware for one and killer aps for the other one.

Real fair :lol:

Hey you can't blame me, I mean i tried to find the most mature games and all I could think of is Mario and Zelda which to me are still really meh....But that's just me...I'll keep saying this, the only game I respect on the nintendo platform is the Metroid Prime series. If I get hired by B-Buy I'll probably get a wii and play MP3 and soon as I'm done I'm either going to smash it in my drive way or give it to my girl friend's little sister, or my aunt- she did tell me she wanted a Wii.

Right, so if a game doesn't have guns or violence it's immediately unplayable.

PSP fanboy logic. :lol:

People in that frame of mind need to grow up.

That pretty much sums it up. If the DS were strictly for kids that would be horrible because it's killing the PSP which doesn't speak well of gamers from the '80's (older gamers).

Seriously though people that say the DS (or Wii) just has kiddy games are funny. I laugh at them. It's a poor excuse for an argument to justify why their choice is better which is just plain silly and child-like.

How is it killing the PSP? Do you mean in terms of Sales....cause I didn't know we were talking about sales here....I didn't say those games were kiddy...OK I did and I don't care what anyone want's to say. I mean yeah maybe "Kiddy" is a little bit too straighforward, I prefer the term "More appealing to Casuals" I mean I wouldn't lie I like playing some simple 2d games myself, I'm actually playing Ganguro-Girl on my PSP. It's a flash game i used to play online before I downloaded the .swf to my PC.

Of course I was talking about sales.

"I didn't say those games were kiddy...OK I did and I don't care what anyone want's to say. I mean yeah maybe "Kiddy" is a little bit too straighforward, I prefer the term "More appealing to Casuals"."

Thanks for proving my point... and you are right... it does appeal to "casuals" but don't forget that it appeals to "hardcore" gamers as well. I prefer to think of it as a handheld everyone can enjoy.

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#3 thomasbcperry
Member since 2007 • 142 Posts


Who says there better, YOU?

IMO, PSP is better...but you don't see me throwing it around like its facts. Its a matter of opinion.

I can't stand DS's kiddy lineups and animal BS. but to each there own.


Ok...So you basically just stole the words out of my mouth...Um...Yeah I agree with foresnic 100%. I mean if you like those games that's kool but remember the PSP has just as many AAAs as the DS and more AAs. I don't see how anyone could pick Hamsterz, Dogz, Catz, Horsez, Ponyz, Bunniez, Babyz, Chickenz and Fishez, over GTALCS, GOW, MGSPO, Daxter, Syphon...I mean it really doesn't make any sense, but hey that's just me.....

Comparing the quality of two systems using shovelware for one and killer aps for the other one.

Real fair :lol:

Hey you can't blame me, I mean i tried to find the most mature games and all I could think of is Mario and Zelda which to me are still really meh....But that's just me...I'll keep saying this, the only game I respect on the nintendo platform is the Metroid Prime series. If I get hired by B-Buy I'll probably get a wii and play MP3 and soon as I'm done I'm either going to smash it in my drive way or give it to my girl friend's little sister, or my aunt- she did tell me she wanted a Wii.

Right, so if a game doesn't have guns or violence it's immediately unplayable.

PSP fanboy logic. :lol:

People in that frame of mind need to grow up.

That pretty much sums it up. If the DS were strictly for kids that would be horrible because it's killing the PSP which doesn't speak well of gamers from the '80's (older gamers).

Seriously though people that say the DS (or Wii) just has kiddy games are funny. I laugh at them. It's a poor excuse for an argument to justify why their choice is better which is just plain silly and child-like.

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#4 thomasbcperry
Member since 2007 • 142 Posts

IMO crisis core>>>>>>the nintendo DShustler_151

I feel bad for your opinion. Poor little guy. :P

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#5 thomasbcperry
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I want Chrono Trigger released for the DS in it's original form and then a sequel released on the DS or Wii. It would also be cool if they released Chrono Cross on the DS. Is that possible does anyone know? I'm not to educated in the transfer of graphics from system to system. I think it would be cool if possible.
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#6 thomasbcperry
Member since 2007 • 142 Posts


MS cut the giant and nnow he's pissed.

Nintendo's decided not to mess with the giant and is over playing in the sandbox.


funny that the sand box if chock full of money.

It's also full of dirty diapers from little Timmy and Grandma.

Tell me, is the PS2 not still selling? Is the PS3 not selling? You don't think Sony's making any profit over the past 2 gens and this one? :lol:

I'm glad you can laugh at your own jokes because I don't get them. Nintendo is killing this generation and it isn't just because of "little Timmy and Grandma" as you put it. It's because they have "little Timmy and Grandma" plus the most loyal, die hard fanbase ever in gaming. Unlike yourself (a fanboy) I find the good in all systems.

All systems go!

Oh.... I get it. When you're a Nintendo fanboy you're "most layal" and "die hard." But when you are a fan of anything else, you are just a fanboy.

The fact is, Nintendo isn't in the same ballgame as the 360/PS3. Acting as if it is is nothing more than hopeful on your part. Its low cost is a HUGE selling point but that low cost has a downside; crap graphics, crap A.I., and poor audio. Not to mention, most of the Nintendo sales are due to the "casual" games. Games that appeal to the kids and older casuals who would find most 360/PS3 too hard, too adult, and too intense.

Lawlz... I'm a loyal Nintendo owner as iv brought Nintendo consoles since the Snes. I've brought Playstation 1 and 2 aswell! Its huge selling point is the Wii-mote and the good quality games! The innovation which Nintendo bring with each console which only other consoles can only envy is another selling point. Graphics dont mean anything in sales with consoles as the PS2 proved in the previous generation as it had by far the worst graphics from the 3 systems. Dont bring up that argument as you just sound like a stupid fanboy! Casual gamers are what makes or breaks a system! Oh and the average age of a Wii gamer if i remember right was around 28! Cheap pricing dont always mean a console will be #1 because if it did then the GC would have been #1 last gen. What matters in a console is the games! and sony and microsoft have failed to capture the imagination in comparison to the Wii.

And i'm sure your that Little Timmy boy as you sound like a mere child.

please come back with something worth debating with me apart from your stupid biased views. OK? Thanks. BYE BYE.

Wow. I didn't even have to reply on my own behalf. Dude is getting smashed. Lol. Now that is funny.

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#7 thomasbcperry
Member since 2007 • 142 Posts

Wii is not for me.

The Wii is a simple, stripped down console, that offers a very basic gaming experience aimed at non-gamers.

I couldn't care less about the Wii, the shallow gameplay it offers, the gimmicks of the peripherals, or Nintendo's ancient first-party characters.


Why do you always post in any forum with wii in the title just to say this? Seems like all you're trying to do is stir up trouble.

I'm just stating my opinion, in response to a thread saying that the Wii is really great and is for everyone.

Its my opinion, and even in system wars I'm allowed to have one.

And how is disagreeing in a topic praising the Wii stirring up trouble? Are Wii threads only open to people that want to sing the praises of Nintendo?

Its not even meant to start debate, I'm just showing that there are plenty of people that are turned off by Nintendo's style of gaming, and anyone saying that Wii is for everyone is doing the exact same thing I am doing. Stating their own opinion.

The problem is you talk as if your opinion is fact.

"The Wii is a simple, stripped down console, that offers a very basic gaming experience aimed at non-gamers."

What makes the Wii simple and why is it stripped down? Any fact on this that isn't your opinion. How is it a very basic gaming experience? Have you played Fire Emblem, Metroid Prime, Legend of Zelda, Zack & Wiki or Super Smash Bros?

"the shallow gameplay it offers, the gimmicks of the peripherals, or Nintendo's ancient first-party characters."

Your comments are so biased. What shallow gameplay is offered? Is that for one game or across the board? A point and click interface and motion controls are also not gimmicks seeing as how the "point and click" of PC gaming has been around for years. Nintendo's ancient first party characters!?!?!?!? Wow. What to say to that one? How about every console has their own set of exclusives that they milk every generation.

Try to use more fact if your going to bash a system (which you were clearly doing) or you'll get called out for false or fanboyish claims.

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#8 thomasbcperry
Member since 2007 • 142 Posts


MS cut the giant and nnow he's pissed.

Nintendo's decided not to mess with the giant and is over playing in the sandbox.


funny that the sand box if chock full of money.

It's also full of dirty diapers from little Timmy and Grandma.

Tell me, is the PS2 not still selling? Is the PS3 not selling? You don't think Sony's making any profit over the past 2 gens and this one? :lol:

I'm glad you can laugh at your own jokes because I don't get them. Nintendo is killing this generation and it isn't just because of "little Timmy and Grandma" as you put it. It's because they have "little Timmy and Grandma" plus the most loyal, die hard fanbase ever in gaming. Unlike yourself (a fanboy) I find the good in all systems.

All systems go!

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#9 thomasbcperry
Member since 2007 • 142 Posts

[QUOTE="f50p90"]Sony isn't going no where until 360 outsells the PS2L1qu1dSword

uh no we are not counting previous gens. the discussion is all about what happened THIS gen.

They're still making money off previous gens, right?

Wow Sony fans will do anything to take attention away from the main point which simply is this =>

All but SONY can say that they have drammatically improved its console's position in the race. sony which has to say that it is doing much worse against competitors then last time. => Sony toppled.

bub bhuh b hubuh what about teh ps2?

Don't generalize. It's annoying. Whether Sony wins or loses it doesn't really matter because they won't be leaving the console business. The only thing that matters is number one and that is currently Nintendo.

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#10 thomasbcperry
Member since 2007 • 142 Posts
I play all VC games. I used to own a NES, SNES and N64 but they have all passed on. I only kept one game. Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars. LOL. I have been downloading all the games I used to own for those systems plus some games I never got the chance to play like Pokemon Snap.