PC superior. The end. No matter how arrogant or whiney some PC gamers may be about it, that's just how it is. The guy in the video can hardly articulate his thoughts in a compelling way and at the end, anything he has to say feels irrelevant.
If a person with a tuned up Porche acts arrogantly towards a person with a stock Civic, it doesn't make the Civic any better, it just makes the Porche owner sound like an ass.
Slowly, there's fewer and fewer reasons that a PC would be at a disadvantage to a console.
Pricing: PC parts are getting exponentially cheaper, to the point that you can build a decent gaming rig of console-like performance for the cost of a launch-time console. The more you spend beyond that, the most superior your experience will be.
Controls: Got a problem with the keyboard and mouse? No problem just get a usb adapter for you favorite controller. Ported games are nearly garaunteed to work with the Xbox 360 controller on PC.
Visuals: Need I say anything in this department? You get true HD on a decent PC, not some 1024x600 sub-HD footage scaled up to 1080p. (Modern Warfare 2's native resolution on consoles)
Looking at the PC purely as a gaming platform, the only drawback is the exclusives... well it MIGHT be a drawback, depending on what games you enjoy. That's purely subjective and you get what comes with the territory. Most good AAA titles are multiplatform so PC gamers will have a chance at them anyway.
There's nothing wrong with a console. I liked my Xbox 360 while it lasted, but I sold it to upgrade my video card. My PC experience feels like the equivalent of playing an Xbox 720. Playing with the 360 controller further enhances that feeling. Don't think of a PC as a totally different platform, it's just a highly flexible console from a pure gaming perspective. The fact that you can do a million other things is a plus too..
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