I doubt. No other OS has the wealth of programs that Windows does. As it is, there's no viable reason for the average user to switch to another OS. Linux is quite stable, but doesn't have enough support from the software industry. Not everyone has the patience to use non-GUI applications. Mac is great when it comes to just getting the job done, if you can find the right program to do it. Since OSX should be working on x86 architecture now, perhaps we'll see more of that, but until most game engines are written for OpenGL as opposed to DirectX, they'll miss out on the gaming industry.
Linux and OSX is slowly catching up to Windows, but until they have a better arguement than "we don't get viruses as much," they won't take down Windows.
Edit: Still though, it's not impossible. The average PC user is getting a little smarter. Firefox is taking over IE. That's enough evidence right there. IE comes pre-installed, yet firefox is STILL dominating. People are more open-minded now.
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