I was just about to mention the Xonar Essence STX. That's what I use. Admittedly, I primarily use it for headphone use, but it should be fine with speakers. Most of the technical info, you've probably already read. As far as HDMI, your GPU should come with a small cable to connect the GPU and soundcard. Or the STX might come with it; mine didn't. If not, they're easily aquirable through ebay. Alternatively, you can use an spdif connection- either the optical or coxial- if you want surround via an external reciever. There's no analog L/R/LB/RB/C. etc. connections.
The STX really is top of the line for it's price IMO. I not only use it for listening to audio, but also creating it. The ASIO drivers are pretty good and you can work with very low latency.. if you ever find yourself doing audio production.
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