Firstly, I'm not here to to raise the "race card..." or maybe I am, but not in a very condescending way.
I'm fairly neutral with my stance. Some of my favorite games (FF7, Half-Life 2, Mass Effect, KOTOR, GRAW2, etc.) have somehow featured a minority at least to the smallest extent. I think we're in decent standing in terms of diversity, but maybe we can have a few games where the protagonist isn't a Caucasion male? The Walking Dead was one of the few games to do this recently and it pulled it off well IMO, paving way for some interesting dialogue and tension.
Concerning games with a "baked in" story (no customization), there's San Andreas, Mirror's Edge, Crysis 2, and many others I've missed, but generally, I rarely get to play as a Black, Hispanic, Asian or any other non-Caucasion race. No big deal to me- a game's a game. I don't believe this task should be done forcefully, as story-telling is an artform, but it would just be nice to put a different ethnic spin on things sometimes.
Many games offer the customization of your own character for race and sex. Few even go as far as to personalize the voice acting to suit your character (namely, Saints Row 3). There's no doubt that steps have been taken to personalize the experience among a diverse clientele.
What's everyone's take on racial diversity of games?
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